The cluelessness of salespeople in every type of electronics has never failed to amaze me. When Radio Shack came into town, I had a cousin running one, so I went in there all the time. I couldn't believe some of the "whoppers" his sales people told customers!
They had a cassette deck that was just a rebranded one another company made, it sold for $50 less at the store accross the street. The sales idiot tells the guy, "It's not the same inside, there are better components and heads in ours!" I looked at my cousin, who rolled his eyes, and shook his head. I heard them make similar claims on other items too. Some of them were so stupid, I would crack up laughing.
I asked my cousin why he let them say that "hooey", and he said it was such a hassle to "deprogram" them (The worst ones worked there before he became manager), he just waited until they "moved on". Trouble was, these guys contaminated the new employees, and the mindless claims continued.
One of these guys worked for RS until he died, he was as bad or worse than almost any used car salesman I have ever dealt with. I hated to even talk to him, especially about scanners, something I would have to say I'm in expert in. He would give customers totally wrong answers constantly, and I don't know how many times I saved him from losing a sale by just telling the customer what was really up, after his aggressive sales pitch had turned them off. Since he was around so long, RS made him the manager of the busiest store in the area, of course!