Mike, I think I starting to get to where you are heading to...
Since you have excellent MX150 Pre-Pro which includes top-of-the-line DAC built-in I see absolutely ZERO sense of paying money to reproduce same capacity in such none audio friendly device such as desktop pc, it's possible thou, but it'll cost you. Why - I don't know.
As per re-clocking the digital signal? I assume you are referring to sample rate or frequency conversion ? As in you have high sample/frequency file which your Pre-Pro's DAC unable to handle and you need real-time conversion??
What I would get if I planned to use existing pre-pro for DAC :
This card won't dent your pocket much and using it's spdif out will provide highest level of quality thru pure digital output
The following two appear to be oustanding and should do what I want to accomplish:
If you really want to go crazy, there plenty of options as well:
This is a DAC solution and that probably would be duplicated effort

r even
But lets be honest - none of these will improve your sound quality.