Even though one amp will be driving the woofers and the other the mid/high drivers, it still is important to have either identical amplifiers doing each or if different types of amps are mixed, having the gains matched exactly. Otherwise, obviously the highs & lows will not be balanced. Another draw back of using two different amps is even if you match the gains at a certain volume, if you turn up the volume on your preamp, the amount one amp increases the sound relative to the other amp may be different at higher or lower volumes than the volume at which you did your gain matching. Powering your mains using just the Behringer may indeed provide better power delivery to your mains even though the receiver your using has the same 120x2 quoted power rating for the mains. The external amp may provide better headroom and a truer 120x2. I'd consider this set up first before mixing the two amps powering the same speakers in the biamp set up; just see how it sounds to you.
My only other hesitation to using the Behringer is that since it is such an inexpensive amp, I'd consider what speakers I connected it to. Don't take this the wrong way, I'm not looking down my nose at the Behringer product as I've not used it, but I've got $6K worth of speakers in my home theater, and I wouldn't consider hooking an economy level amp to them as I don't want to limit the quality of the sound from very nice speakers by using a cheap amp, and I'd consider the risk to damaging the speakers by using what could potentially be a cheaply made amplifier. At that price point, the output transistors, driver boards, and for the safety of the speakers the DC blocking capacitors just aren't going to be of the quality of the other amps mention on this forum (Parasound, Rotel, Outlaw, Emotive) that are yes, more expensive, but relative to speakers you use, may be more appropriate if the speakers are of a higher quality than the speakers found at say Circuit City or Best Buy. If a cheap amp has a bad day and fails, hopefully it will just blow a fuse before it damages a speaker driver! I'm not saying that you ALWAYS get a better product by spending more money, of course that's not always the case else it would be simple to compare products, but I would just make sure that the amp quality matches the speakers you hook it to. I'd use it to power a Zone2 or my outdoor speakers but maybe not as my reference amp.
If you end up getting it, post on the forum your impressions after you've used it a while, and try to A/B it with another amp during the trial period you have with it to make sure it's right for your set up. I hope it works for you.