

Audioholic General
The front look great I can wait till the 30th
Ooops, I should have phrased that a lot differently. xD

I meant give me a few days to come up with another/a few system(s) just to make sure there isn't a better setup that didn't cross my mind. There are a lot of choices out there! :D

The receiver, on the other hand, is great and you should buy that whenever ready. A4L has great deals on receivers so they tend to get purchased pretty quickly. :)


Audioholic General
That was a so-called fast decision.
He gets the entire setup (minus the subs) 100% risk free. Why not go for it ASAP? If he doesn't like 'em, he ships 'em back on their dime. I would advise he hold off on the sub just so we can make sure we can get him the best deal, but that's why I asked him to give me some more time to compile a different system.


Audioholic Ninja
I would look for something on sale or closeout, with your budget you can get a $6K system easily....

If you dont like the focals, how about these...

$1340 BOSTON ACOUSTICS VS325C Center Channel Speaker Cherry | Accessories4less
$400 BOSTON ACOUSTICS VS336PF VS Series 3-Way 6-1/2 in Tower Speaker Cherry Ea | Accessories4less

$1150 Dual-SB12-NSD - SVS

or I prefer dual vtf2's for about the same price...

Then for surrounds $400 Definitive Technology SR 8040BP Bipolar Speaker 093207078392 | eBay
ebay saves you $100 over new egg and crutchfield Definitive Technology SR-8040BP Bipolar surround speaker at

Then for an avr- there are tons of choices, I would wait for the pioneer 1222 to go back on sale for $600 which should be soon...
DENON AVR-2312CI 7.2 Integrated Network A/V Surround Receiver | Accessories4less

Then if you could ever stretch your budget, for the sub to $2237 ULS-15 DualDrive Packages
the most musical bassiest sub I ever heard, they are amazing...

But try to get the most for your money, get something proven and time tried... I almost bought aperion, until I heard them {granted a different line} but they were a let down.... You wont find a bad word said about the boston vs line, they are true $3400 speakers..
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Audioholic Spartan
He gets the entire setup (minus the subs) 100% risk free. Why not go for it ASAP? If he doesn't like 'em, he ships 'em back on their dime. I would advise he hold off on the sub just so we can make sure we can get him the best deal, but that's why I asked him to give me some more time to compile a different system.
Nothing wrong with moving fast, if one wants to do it.

I undersatand about risk free, I also believe in feeling comfortable
and weighing your options, even before the testing begins.

Nothing wrong with holding out on the sub, if one wants to do it.
The OP can also test subs out, in the home for a trial period. >>
This is one way to test a complete system.


Audioholic Spartan
The Boston speakers are also one solid reccomendation to explore >> They can
also play seriously loud, and fill the room with good solid and precise imaging >
They can throw a big sound stage, with lots of detail, definition, and depth. >>
They are a good option for movies and music.

I would look at the RS260, for surround options

HSU subs, would also be a good option to explore.

The Denon 3312 that was linked earlier (post 15), would be a good option.
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Audioholic General
The Boston setup is a very nice option, except I wouldn't use bi-pole for surrounds and I would use the Denon 3312. :D

The subs that ImcLoud posted are a better option than the subs I recommended. :)

One good thing about the Aperion, is there sensitivity. I prefer more sensitive speakers for HT. :)
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Audioholic Spartan
The Boston setup is a very nice option, except I wouldn't use bi-pole for surrounds and I would use the Denon 3312. :D
I prefer monopole/direct radiating all the way for surrounds - however, I do prefer that
they have decent off-axis response > and no serious dips in the frequency response.

Again, I agree about the Denon 3312.


Audioholic General
I prefer monopole/direct radiating all the way for surrounds - however, I do prefer that
they have decent off-axis response > and no serious dips in the frequency response.

Again, I agree about the Denon 3312.
The best would be a coaxial (TAD CR1? ;D) hanging from the wall/ceiling. :D


Speaker of the House
Staff member
If this guy wants commercial cinema sound, I don't think Aperion speakers and sealed 12" subs would be the best choice for him. I would be looking at high sensitivity speakers and ported subs, something like the Klipsch reference or JBL Studio 5 seres speakers and a Rythmik FV15 or some Hsu VTF3s. He'll probably be happy with Aperion and SVS nonetheless.


Audioholic General
That is a solid looking one - however, in another realm or reality.
I can dream. :p

Just imagine trying to hang a CR1 on the wall! :O They are not exactly small (they are F-ing HUGE) and they are very very heavy. Not to mention they slightly exceed the OP's budget. :D


Junior Audioholic
Thank you everything one im in no rush so i can do some research im just looking for the most realistic sounding System i can get on my budget. I really dont know any of the brands and the Big thing between them before i started looking into it all i knew about was bose, Harmon Karden, bang and oulfsen. so this is all very new to me.


Audioholic Ninja
Thank you everything one im in no rush so i can do some research im just looking for the most realistic sounding System i can get on my budget. I really dont know any of the brands and the Big thing between them before i started looking into it all i knew about was bose, Harmon Karden, bang and oulfsen. so this is all very new to me.
You have a good budget, and looking for cinema sound in your room can be had, but I would be very wary of trying to acheive it with sealed 12" subs and them aperion speakers...

You want the best bang for your buck? you go with a high end tower and matching center that is on clearence- the 2 I listed will give you awesome sound honestly I like the Bostons better because even people that payed $4400 for them absolutly rave about how realistic their soud reproduciton is, so you spending $1700 for the front 3 should be in love...

as far as receivers, I am not sold on any that cost more than $600 {thats my max AVR budget and much rather see the around $450-} because they change to often, dolby is coming out with some new format or whatever, audysey is comeing out with a new eq program, hdmi is coming out with, and the next one ready your mind and is only $30 more than you paid for your 12 days ago... They are the iphones of home theater... So buy a refurb, used, open box, and cross your fingers that you get 2 years out of it... Before it is broken or outdated.. Now I know 7 people will chime in saying, "I've had me Pioneer SX-1980 forever, JC was the sales man, and this thing still souds great and the only maintenence I do is blow it once and a while {the dust that is}" But the truth is, AVRs have weak amp sections and way to much circuitry to not break down at some point {and this will definetly be before you get your moneys worh if you pay $800 for one}..... This is one of the main reasons I like separates...

But anyway, do yourself a favor and look really hard at them Bostons, and the lower priced Denons... As for surrounds, I use ascend bookshelfs {200se's} and they do the job fine, some people like bi di pole, some like bookshelfs, to me they do so little I am not going to bicker about it, what ever wasnt to heavy for my ceiling mounts got slapped up there, and I havent heard to many theaters that sound as good as mine...

Now subs are where you really dont want to make a mistake, I would think the minimum would be dual hsu vtf2's and dual vtf3's would be even better... If you go sealed {which are great for music} go with the uls15's I know they are much more money but they will move the room much better than the svs12's....

Also be leary of advice you get on any forum and try to demo what ever you can. 90% of the stuff I recomend I heard or own/owned and listened to 50 others before buying that one... But still my ears may like something different than yours...

One more thing, if you like realistic soud, stay away from the klipsch and energy...


Audioholic General
You have a good budget, and looking for cinema sound in your room can be had, but I would be very wary of trying to acheive it with sealed 12" subs and them aperion speakers...
Why would you be wary of trying that (for free) with Aperion but not Bostons? Aperion makes fine loudspeakers, as does Boston, but the Aperion are much more sensitive.

But anyway, do yourself a favor and look really hard at them Bostons
I agree.

Now subs are where you really dont want to make a mistake.
I also agree with this. Your sub choice was better than mine. :)

One more thing, if you like realistic soud, stay away from the klipsch and energy...
I very strongly agree!


Audioholic Ninja
I recommend finding a Revel dealer near you and getting some pricing on their F206 speakers.

For subwoofers I would be looking at a pair of the Rythmik FV15s (or FV15HP :D ). Avoid buying subwoofers locally.

those are the two best places to focus your budget. The receiver and surrounds are secondary, and cables etc are tertiary.


Audioholic Spartan
Whatever one choses is up to them - also the desire of Cinema sound
can be subjective - a lot of people are not looking for that Imax thing.
They just want something that is good enough, to enjoy in their homes.

Do not under-estimate the Bostons, they can get seriously loud. The VS
260 bookshelves can get real loud, in a 20 x 30 open room, and I am not
talking about moderate levels. It is not easy to break-up their sound.

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