First off let me say it has been years since I was last on here. You all were a huge help in setting up my first 'system' many moons ago. I am currently torn between two receivers. My system is as below however I am adding a third zone. The main zone is obviously theater room. Zone 2 was my AVR powered patio running a couple Bose Free Space 51's but now I have added a third zone.... the 2 channel room. I got a wild hair a couple years ago to pick up a set of Cerwin XLS-215's and use them as my main fronts in my theater room. I got tired of having coffins stood on end and pulled them into my living room to be a dedicated 2 Chan system.
What I am looking for now is a receiver that is 3 zone, network, powered 2 zone and a zone 3 pre-out (pre-out zone 3 is fine since I power the Cerwins with an EP2000). I want a solid receiver that has reliable ipod interface as we have parties and move from zone to zone. I am currently looking at the Denon AVR-3313CI and the Marantz SR7007. From what I hear Marantz has gone down hill but I simply love how it looks and the central blue orb will look amazing above my pair of blue lit Belkins and my modded EP amps with blue led lighting. That aside, if the Marantz is junk, the Denon looks like it will do everything and more! My only must is a 12v trigger out. My Onkyo 709 has not trigger and all my Belkin power units have assignable triggers so when you click on the receiver, the amps pop on too! Well, not since I have had my Onkyo!
Anyway, I thought I would run it by you fine gents and by all means, refer me to different models if you know of something I don't. Trying to keep this one under $2000.
Just a teaser but I am starting to get back into building subs again and I am working on a twin 18" 4th order bandpass outdoor sub to bury in the backyard. The two ports (magnet and cone-side) are the only thing that pop up out of the landscaping...and they are just a little 6" J-turn put in shrubs. The box is made of 3/8 318 stainless plate with external extruded honey comb stiffeners. You should see the look on my neighbors faces as a lowered in a 1300 pound sub 'crate' into my yard via skid-steer!
Thoughts are much appreciated!