That's right, I did it. A couple of weeks ago I gave up caffeine with a few set backs (like today). I must have drank about 10 cups of coffee while I did some odd jobs and the whole time I felt like having a smoke (not that I would). Today was about the most productive that I've been in a really long time but I totally backslid on the coffee and sugar thing. I ate a bunch of chocolate afterward too. Then I crashed for about 3 hours.
Normally days at a clip go by without ever thinking about it. Especially since I knocked off the coffee. My PMS mood swings are gone and my mind seems to be back to normal. About 3 months ago I quit eating like a kid in a candy store and that stopped the weight gain and has maybe taken a few pounds off ... maybe. Cookouts and such haven't really helped my cause but my modeling days are over anyway.
Six months ...

Today a woman told me her daughter who had quit for six years went back to it ...
There don't seem to be any guarantees.