Beatles DTS 5.1 fraud on ebay; stop this guy.



Senior Audioholic
Look at this [edit]'s items on ebay. He's taking the original CDs and converting them to DTS 5.1 using Surcode, then burning multiple copies onto CD-R and selling them.
When someone who's in the know complains that they're CD-R or compressed DTS (ie - recognizes that they're a fake) the guy offers them money, I presume, because shortly afterwards almost ALL of the negative or neutral feedbacks are "Mutually withdrawn"
Something's very fishy. I wish I knew how to contact Apple Corps or Beatles' management to let them know.


I'm trying to spread as much attention to this as possible as it's been going on for a LONG TIME!


Junior Audioholic
surcode ????

Does this program really compress the recording to dts ???? or seperate the music into five channels ???? Is this program easy to use..... I wouldn't mind using it to convert some cd's I have(obviously not for resale)

scott g


Audioholic Chief
dobyblue said:
Something's very fishy. I wish I knew how to contact Apple Corps or Beatles' management to let them know.
Apple Corps Ltd.
27 Ovington Square
London SW3 1LJ.
tel: 020 7761 9600
fax: 020 7225 0661

Apple Corps Ltd is too busy with all their lawsuits against Apple Computer to go after smaller game. :rolleyes: Now there's the possibility of Apple Corps Ltd buying Apple Computer. Weird.

The cd pirating on eBay though is wrong. You can report the auctions to eBay via the link @ the bottom of each auction page. That's a start, but it will just shutdown the individual auctions. They won't punish the guy legally or anything, and he'll just relist like all the auction scammers do.


zildjian said:
Apple Corps Ltd is too busy with all their lawsuits against Apple Computer to go after smaller game. :rolleyes: Now there's the possibility of Apple Corps Ltd buying Apple Computer. Weird.
Off topic: That's odd, never heard that Apple Corps was to buy Apple Computer... I googled, found one article from 2004 saying that is was to happen (wasn't what I would call a genuine source from msnbc or whatever). So if Apple Corps did buy, or was/is possibly going to buy Apple, why would they continue to pursue lawsuits?
Oh, the only news that is recent about the two company's is that Apple Corps lost is suit over Apple Computer using it's logo in a nature against there apparent 1991 agreement. Apple Corps is now appealing. lol.. what a waste of time and money!



Senior Audioholic
zildjian said:
Apple Corps Ltd.
27 Ovington Square
London SW3 1LJ.
tel: 020 7761 9600
fax: 020 7225 0661

Apple Corps Ltd is too busy with all their lawsuits against Apple Computer to go after smaller game. :rolleyes: Now there's the possibility of Apple Corps Ltd buying Apple Computer. Weird.

The cd pirating on eBay though is wrong. You can report the auctions to eBay via the link @ the bottom of each auction page. That's a start, but it will just shutdown the individual auctions. They won't punish the guy legally or anything, and he'll just relist like all the auction scammers do.
I'm not aware of Apple buying Apple, they wouldn't have the money. I believe that was an urban myth.
As for that contact info, the address maybe correct, but that number is listed as out of service and even Apple's website has no relevant contact info, email or otherwise.


Audioholic Chief
dobyblue said:
I'm not aware of Apple buying Apple, they wouldn't have the money. I believe that was an urban myth.
I thought that might be the case. Again, too weird.


Doesn't sound like there is much truth to that myth. I would guess Steve Jobs alone is probably worth more than Apple Corps. I have read a few articles about Sony trying to purchase Apple Computer. Don't think Mac users would be to happy about that.
billy p

billy p

Audioholic Ninja
Hello to concerned but at last report PAUL was worth about1.4billon.
PS: I have over 200 dvd titles, 75% are store bought and 25% well you... So whats the big deal??
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Jobs was worth a reported $4.4 bil after he sold Pixar to become the largest shareholder in Disney. I wish ebay would monitor pirated music and movies a little better, but I guess they have their hands full.


Audioholic Chief
billy p said:
So whats the big deal??
What bothers me about this guy specifically is that he's making $20 or more per disc after shipping for just copying somebody else's music. If he was giving them away, it'd be a little different because at least he wouldn't be profiting from it.

My bands music was Napster'ed in the 90's, and fans would come to our concerts and tell us backstage about getting our music off Napster. I remember specifically one guy told us "man I really love your all's new CD; I downloaded it off Napster last night and listened to it all day today..." He didn't have a clue that we could have been upset about it. I think one or two guys weren't real happy w/ it. I was mostly happy he was so enthusiastic about our work. What would have made me mad is if he was selling bootleg copies of our albums for profit. That's a different story, like this eBay guy. I'm not worried about Paul not getting $$$ for his music, he's filthy rich, but it's still wrong for somebody to be selling pirated music for profit, and people don't even know they are going to get a burned copy. It's just not cool.


Senior Audioholic
zildjian said:
What bothers me about this guy specifically is that he's making $20 or more per disc after shipping for just copying somebody else's music. If he was giving them away, it'd be a little different because at least he wouldn't be profiting from it.

My bands music was Napster'ed in the 90's, and fans would come to our concerts and tell us backstage about getting our music off Napster. I remember specifically one guy told us "man I really love your all's new CD; I downloaded it off Napster last night and listened to it all day today..." He didn't have a clue that we could have been upset about it. I think one or two guys weren't real happy w/ it. I was mostly happy he was so enthusiastic about our work. What would have made me mad is if he was selling bootleg copies of our albums for profit. That's a different story, like this eBay guy. I'm not worried about Paul not getting $$$ for his music, he's filthy rich, but it's still wrong for somebody to be selling pirated music for profit, and people don't even know they are going to get a burned copy. It's just not cool.
I'm baffled that it would even need an explanation, but you've illustrated it beautifully.
billy p

billy p

Audioholic Ninja
Well, I must say, it was ebay after all.If you don't want to be ripped off then but your products at a proper retailer!!!
Rock&Roll Ninja

Rock&Roll Ninja

Audioholic Field Marshall
billy p said:
Hello to concerned but at last report PAUL was worth about1.4billon.
Now he's worth approximately half that amount


Get it? Its a divorce joke.


Audioholic Ninja
Rock&Roll Ninja said:
Now he's worth approximately half that amount


Get it? Its a divorce joke.
The deal has not been finalized (at least not the last I heard), and, supposedly, the most he stands to lose is about 25%. He will still be a billionaire after the divorce.
billy p

billy p

Audioholic Ninja
I know LOL can't understand why there was no prenup!! Well I GUESS SHE ONLY HAS ONE LEG TO STAND ON.:eek:


Senior Audioholic
billy p said:
Well, I must say, it was ebay after all.If you don't want to be ripped off then but your products at a proper retailer!!!
Ebay should look after their listings better, but I also will buy a lot of SACD and DVD-A discs from ebay as the proper retailers are absolutely gouging people for this format.
No wonder it hasn't taken off as well as it could have.
billy p

billy p

Audioholic Ninja
No wonder it hasn't taken off as well as it could have.[/QUOTE]
Yeap! I'm new to this and have looked at some dvd-a looking for my favorite bands and either there's nothing or its costs 30 plus cdn dollars!!:(


Senior Audioholic
billy p said:
Yeap! I'm new to this and have looked at some dvd-a looking for my favorite bands and either there's nothing or its costs 30 plus cdn dollars!!:(
Yeah that's where amazon and ebay come in handy. You just need to look for sellers with high rep who have been members for quite some time and also CHECK SHIPPING COSTS - some sellers are jsut asses with their s&h charges, others are reasonable.
I think for a DVD-A $5 is the most you should pay for shipping.
Also make sure to watch for items that say "Ships from China" or Malaysia or some far away place infamous for bootlegs.
I normally only look for items that ship from North America (because Canada is kosher) and through that method I've gotten lots of my DVD-A and SACD for half the price that the stores charge.
Not to mention that most of the music stores you go to don't have anyone that has a clue about DVD-A and SACDs, nevermind their ignorance of DTS.
I returned a video I had rented from Blockbuster a few weeks ago as it was DD only and wasn't the DTS version that the cover has advertised; the girl told the manager who's response was "What's DTS?"
I swear.
*bashes head against wall*
billy p

billy p

Audioholic Ninja
Blockbuster you say? Just go into any box store retailer question cost extra!! haha
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