Do you have one of those? I'm sure it would help me reduce some peaks, but can it boost that low area?
Also I'll add a couple pics of the room to the blog, to give yall a better idea of the crappy room I'm dealing with. The funny thing is I built the room and designed everything, but didn't know what I was doing. If I had it to do again I would have aranged the viewing position very differently or put the quasi home theater in a smaller purpose specific room.
Normally, trying to boost an extreme dip will overtax the amp and subwoofer giving you more distortion. This is because, to get a 3 dB increase, you need to double the power. To get a 6 dB increase, it will be 4 times the power, and an 8 dB increase will be 8 times the power. If I am reading your graph correctly, you have about a 20 dB dip near 45 Hz, which would take 100 times the normal power to boost up to the right level. You are not going to be able to EQ that and boost the amp to muscle your way out of that problem.
You have a placement and/or room problem, and your best bet is to try a different location for your subwoofer. A second subwoofer might help with the problem, but you really should try all possible locations first with the one you have. Try every corner that is possible, and try the middle of every wall that is possible. If you find it easier to do it this way, put the subwoofer in your listening position, and measure the response at various places in the room. Then, put the subwoofer in the spot that measured best, and then measure again from your listening position.
Most likely, you will never get it perfect, so you must simply select the location that is better than the other options. You can EQ away peaks, and EQ very slight valleys, but you cannot EQ deep valleys in your response, unless you have such an amazing subwoofer that it can put out many times the normal level that you need. In this case, it seems, it would need to be about 100 times better than at its normal level for about 45 Hz, and that would take an incredible subwoofer to do.