Well, your claim is totally agains what is know in psychoacoustics
Why do you think subs are rated at 10% distortion???
Just a few citations:
Thoise gifted musicians and conductors are no better-
"The Grass is Always Greener in the Outakes", Gould, Glenn, High Fidelity, Aug 75, pg 54-59.
Outlines Just noticable differences at low levels-
"High-Resolution Subjective Testing Using a Double-Blind Comparator", Clark, David, Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, Vol30, no 5, May82, pg 330-338.
"Level Discrimination as a Function of Level for Tones from .25 to 16khz", Florentine, Mary, et al, Journal of Acoustic Society of America, 81(5) May 1987, pg 1528-1541.
All this doesn't take away from being a gifted musician, but bias is bias