Buckle-meister said:
are nice right enough, I'll grant you that.

Oh, and you still haven't posted the review of them.
Yes, I do. It's just that I use them such a unique setup, I'm not sure that my impressions would be applicable.
Anyway, a little info on cornerload subs from the Lyngdorf site:
The w210 is a dedicated corner woofer designed for 2+2 configuration systems. This is not your regular subwoofer, but a product which has been engineered to overcome fundamental problems when placing speakers in a room. This will complement the MH-1 - or any other speaker for that matter…
No, it is not a subwoofer
The W210 might look like a subwoofer – but it is far from being that. With its precision, dynamics and incredible speed it is a corner woofer specifically designed to work in active 2+2 configuration systems. It is designed to load optimally to the room, blending in to a discreet position, and offering new possibilities in speaker arrangement and design. The W210 is designed to be placed in the front corners of your room making it possible to design active 2+2 systems e.g. with the MH-1s or smaller satellite speaker systems.
Conventional subwoofers are designed with heavy diaphragms, large magnet systems, and very poor efficiency due to the heavy moving systems. Moving masses in modern subwoofers can easily exceed several hundred grams. The W210 is designed in a completely different manner with a high speed lightweight driver granting a frequency response which is linear way up into the midrange area.
The way to do it
In spite of the lightweight design, punch and power are delivered with a precision which cannot be obtained from a normal speaker system. This is only possible because of the way these speakers load the corners of the room. At the lower octaves any system will deliver a high gain thus reducing the need for power, equal to increased efficiency.
Placing the W210 in a 2+2 configuration ensures coherent arrival of the direct sound and the first critical reflections from the floor, side and front walls. Compared to the traditionally delayed arrival of several low frequency reflections within the first milliseconds of dynamic signals, there is no delay in the way the pressure builds up from a drum kick. The W210 can free up the dynamics in your system in several ways. Actually the W210 is rarely fed with more than 5 watts, even when playing really loud. And in this case, really loud also means very clean.