The wide angle lense kind of skews things. The screen is 106" 16:9, for a reference. The rear seatback is 3 feet from the rear sit about 5ft from the rear wall with all the padding and so forth.
Areas I have thought about treatments:
-I want to convert the side of my rack so that it is an acoustic foam. Something like a GIK 242 or some other 2" thick panel that I could easily mount on that. It actually serves to balance the room, since that corner is open, so with some treatment that rack I think is in a good spot.
-Under the screen and behind the mains, I want to do some sort of bass traps that have a pretty wide band. I don't want to go overboard though, so just the basics. I was thinking maybe three, one centered under the screen (which would cover up those outlets, which is a bonus) and one behind either speaker to the left and right of the screen.
-In the left rear corner, behind that darker chair, I have a square area that basically goes unseen. This is where I could put a low bass trap and have it go unnoticed. The right rear corner has a closet door, so not much I can do there.
-Perhaps over the speaker brackets I could hang some and make them flush mount like rmk did.
Whatever I do, I want it to look clean. The less I see the panels the better. Although my room is obviously dedicated, I don't want to just toss a bunch of panels in there blindly. I want to start with just a few and work my way up so I can hear the differences it makes.
I was thinking of this:
Order two GIK tri-traps, they are 4ft tall and 2ft wide. Put one in that right rear corner and the other in the front left, by the rack.
Although I may look for a United States manufacturer, because between the exchange rate and shipping, a place in the UK might not be the place to buy stuff from.