I recently got my old dvd/cd player hooked back up in my room and I decided to go through my meager CD collection (I'm a huge vinyl fan) and I found some of Sabbath CD's Masters of Reality, Paranoid, and Sabbath Bloody Sabbath, and decided to give them a listen. These have to be the worst mixes of any album ever, I mean the highs are very unnatural and scratchy, the mid's are muddy and dull, and the bass is just droning. So after a few seconds of confusion I decided to see who was responsible for this abortion and on the back at toward the bottom I read "Courtesy of Dorchester Holdings issued under license to Creative Sounds, LTD". I still can't believe that I spent 8 bucks a pop on these releases back in 2001 their horrible, there is absolutely no mixing involved in these releases it's like they played the tape and used a micro cassette recorder to make their copy. AVOID and and all CD's marked Power Sound 2001, Scorpio, Red Dog Express, if these three albums are any representation of their catalogs quality then you'd be better with midi files.