Referenced below is a thread on Audyssey from the AVS forum. A number of people have had poor results on initial startup, but many of them have worked out their issues through the thread, which has advice from one of the Audyssey inventors - Chris. There also is a general setup procedure guide which was derived through practical experience. Don't give up without giving this forum a try, because a lot of people report great improvement with Audyssey.
From that first post there is the setup guide by giomania
Also, the Denon guru batpig has a page for AS
For music it's a waste and shouldn't be used at all IMO.
I highly disagree.
Don't try to setup multiple listening positions. This is a waste of time. IMO.
I agree with that.
I also think that if it is a waste for music, then it is also a waste for movies.
I mean how much could AS improve on the movies? Does it give you better surround effects?
Even my mch classical music blurays sound better. I'm so enamored with this tech, that I IMMEDIATELY started to look towards two channel solutions for the stereo. Unfortunately, the economies scale are such that we don't find things like AS XT in 2ch products, at least for anything affordable that I am aware of. Of course there's the standalone $2,000 SEQ, but, IMO, HT folks are lucky in this regard to be able to profit with much less invested.
mperfct's question was only directed to those who did NOT like AS, but I am using 9 panels, extensive heavy curtaining, rugs on top of carpet, decent space from all boundaries. I have to think long and hard between AS and treatments, as to which provided greater benefits. They both helped substantially, IMO.
While there are those who obviously dislike this tech quite a bit, OTOH, there are those who have done extensive measuring, built their own filters, and STILL prefer AS' results. Then others who have compared their own calibrations directly with those of AS, and they find the results to be pretty darn identical. One method requires laptop, tons of time, and knowledge, and the other method required of me 26 minutes of sitting around while chugging a beer.
Anyways, for movies, one of the surprise benefits for me was how much clearer dialogue became at the extremes of my seating. I thought that a horiz mtm center speaker, positioned too low to boot, would be insurmountable. I don't why or how this worked, but perhaps there were too many masking/overhanging frequencies/reflections covering up the dialogue range that got cleaned up. It's one possibility I suppose.
edit: I like it so much, I contacted a fellow AVSer who is somewhat local and does Pro calibrations. Of the number of things he told me, he says that he uses Rives Audio Analyzer ETF, (Energy Time Frequency) and BARE, Bass And Room Evaluator before and after Pro cal. He put great emphasis on furniture placement, and he also thinks that newer versions of AS will shortly be here, which doesn't excite me TOO much since that means more classes.