Looks (and I bet, sounds) amazing! Certainly more than I will attain in this life, minus a lottery jackpot or something.
I have a genuine question. Why would you put the equipment rack in the front and spoil the visual and perhaps the audio of the front stage due to L-R imbalance and reflection point? Are all those LEDs and amp lights defeat-able or covered with black off when viewing a movie? On the audio side, I assume you have done ETC measurements to ensure the right speaker does not create strong reflections off the racks...
IMHO, the Kimber cable spoils the clean look of the front. Perhaps you can run them behind the baseboard and only expose the one foot vertical drop from the floor to the wall jacks. That way you can show off in a casual cool manner

Call me a minimalist, but, with such beautiful floors and walls, the cables should be minimally visually invasive and the equipment rack should have not been there at all. For crying out loud, paint or replace those wall plates with something more color matched to the material on the panels.
On the topic of wire/cable management, BMXTRIX "brought it",