I think for what you want finding a commercially available speaker can be difficult or not, that really depends on you. I know the reason you get a lot of ID recommendations is because ID offers some of the best bang for your buck that you can't get a lot of the time with commercial speakers.
More great products that will play loud and accurate, but again ID. All the recommendations for Kef, totem, b&w, and whatever else are good recommendations. The thing is if you go out and listen to speakers by as many brands as you can find, you can come back and say I liked this I didn't like this and we can go from there. When you just say I want this, all we can do is throw out suggestions until we're blue in the face. We know what you want. We know what you have. We've given some suggestions, so now I think if you spent some time at an audio store auditioning some speakers, it would help you get a better handle on specifically what you may be leaning towards. It will also help narrow down what we think you may like. It's a very subjective experience in many ways.
Just my .02