You leave him alone. I think he's on to something. Manufacturers are encouraged to advertise with AH and Adam is encouraging AH to advertise with
"US". Besides, I just might get something for free!
Thanks, man. That's kind of what I was thinking. I'd really like an AH shirt or coffee mug, but I must admit that I have trouble spending my own money to advertise for someone else (it seems backwards). Not to say that I won't buy one, but I imagine that others think the same way. I got some t-shirts and a hat from SVS for free, and I wear them all the time. I wear the hat every morning when I walk the dog. Sure, it's not reaching a wide audience, but heck - if one person buys a sub after seeing it, then the $5 it cost them would be worth it. Plus, it made me really happy, and I'll almost surely be buying my next sub from them.
As for dusting off on old thread - you get smacked if you don't search the forum, and you get smacked if you do.

[Just kidding with you, RJ.]