Got a great pic from the Salk room. I'm not sure how to post it from mt ipad though. I'll tell you that those new bookshelf speakers were stunning. No joke.
I agree--sounded MUCH bigger than their size. The SS8's were really fantastic, well-rounded speakers. Nothing overly emphasized. The biggest differences between them and the SCSTs that I could hear was bass extension and imaging. The SS8's threw a bit wider soundstage, whereas the SCST's were more "pinpoint" in their imaging. Jim explained that this was due to the open baffle on the SS8's. Of course, the SCST's did not have the bass extension or power of the SS8's, as they just can't move nearly as much air. That's not to say they were lacking; just didn't have the same punch in the bottom couple octaves. Nothing a sub from the HSU room upstairs couldn't remedy ;-)
I think I may almost have preferred the midrange of the SongTowers--it seemed a little more forward and defined, but I did not hear enough A/B switches to make a solid comparison. Of course the high end was very similar as they both feature the RAAL.
I was drooling over the Emotiva gear as well--especially their 5x400 watt behemoth. I will likely end up with the 5x200 watt amp, as the former is overkill for my (future) small theater setup. If they can get their featured UMC-200 pre/pro and the XMC-1 released at some point, those will both be awesome. Not very impressed with the speakers in their room, but it was a difficult room, and I was ruined after the Salk room.
I was very impressed with the EMP demo--that's an incredible value. Their entire 5.1 setup was going for $1500 at the show. The mains had 6 active drivers--it was very impressive with both movies and music for that kind of money. Both of the Epson projectors I saw (one in the EMP room and one in the Emotiva room) were very, very nice. Did not get pricing info on those though.
I enjoyed the show and it was definitely worth the trip for me. Would definitely attend next year if it's in the area.