This week or next I plan to go out and upgrade (finally) to a flat panel TV (plasma), and finally get rid of my huge 34" CRT. I have no experience with plasmas and figure I'll need to calibrate the new TV from the pre-set "showroom settings". I thought that a system calibration DVD might give me a hand. A seemingly simple soultion turned out to be very confusing.
A quick look around the internet offered up many choices (HQV, DVE, Monster/ISF, The Ultimate, AVIA, Discwasher, Sound & Vision...) What to choose? Reviews seem to indicate that the discs are either very complex and without neccessary information for non-pros (DVE), or almost useless because of their simplicity (Monster). Some are really only for testing and evaluation (HQV), and some seem to be so old that they were made for, and are really only useful for CRTs (AVIA, Sound & Vision).
Audiohlics has an article titled, "Benchmark Testing DVDs - Overview of HQV, Avia Pro and DVE" which seems like it might help, but is really only an overview of how they do their testing.
Any opinions out there on calibration disks? Should I just use a THX DVD? Any other general advice for someone with their first plasma screen?
(Audio calibration would be a nice extra, but video calibration is what I'm mostly after.)
Thanks in advance!