Hi there,
Now first off - i am a total audio noob. Reason why i post this for some advice from you guys.
I have a good size living room by European standards. My intention is to combine a stereo and surround setup. For music : stereo. For movies : surround.
I was thinking of 5 channel setup in the living room but i also have a single speaker connection in the kitchen ( purely for music ). Added bonus : speaker in the loo down the hallway for kicks
Total of 7 speakers of which 5 for ( mainly ) surround/movie purposes + music for the other 2. However, i would like to " switch " from surround to music if possible for the total setup.
I have been eyeing the Sony STR-DN1080 with B&W M-1 satellite speakers / center speaker + SVS Subwoofer. I currently own a small but nice Marantz HiFi tuner/cd player( CR-401 ) that i'd like to continue to use, with a set of good Sony bookshelf speakers.
Preference for Sony within the A/V receiver as it integrates nicely with my Sony TV / Blu-Ray player.
Any advice / suggestions are greatly appreciated !