Audio Noob needs advice

  • Thread starter Sidney van Gelder
  • Start date

Sidney van Gelder

Hi there,

Now first off - i am a total audio noob. Reason why i post this for some advice from you guys.

I have a good size living room by European standards. My intention is to combine a stereo and surround setup. For music : stereo. For movies : surround.

I was thinking of 5 channel setup in the living room but i also have a single speaker connection in the kitchen ( purely for music ). Added bonus : speaker in the loo down the hallway for kicks :p

Total of 7 speakers of which 5 for ( mainly ) surround/movie purposes + music for the other 2. However, i would like to " switch " from surround to music if possible for the total setup.

I have been eyeing the Sony STR-DN1080 with B&W M-1 satellite speakers / center speaker + SVS Subwoofer. I currently own a small but nice Marantz HiFi tuner/cd player( CR-401 ) that i'd like to continue to use, with a set of good Sony bookshelf speakers.

Preference for Sony within the A/V receiver as it integrates nicely with my Sony TV / Blu-Ray player.

Any advice / suggestions are greatly appreciated !


Full Audioholic
Hi Sidney,
I don't know much about the European market so I cant be much help, but these is no reason why the stuff you are looking at wont work. I personally wouldn't go through the trouble of running speakers to the kitchen and bathroom with all of the easier bluetooth options available, but to each his own.
Since you are looking at smaller speakers also consider just doing all SVS, or look in KEF's offerings as well. Other then that I'm not sure what you have available over seas..
Best of luck to you.

Sidney van Gelder

Hi Sidney,
I don't know much about the European market so I cant be much help, but these is no reason why the stuff you are looking at wont work. I personally wouldn't go through the trouble of running speakers to the kitchen and bathroom with all of the easier bluetooth options available, but to each his own.
Since you are looking at smaller speakers also consider just doing all SVS, or look in KEF's offerings as well. Other then that I'm not sure what you have available over seas..
Best of luck to you.
Hey JC,

Thanks for the reply!

I already had inner tubing laid out as i live in a new-built house. So i can easily run the cable/wiring to my speakers :) But thanks anyways for the tip on bluetooth.

I have been looking at SVS for a while but they seem to be primarily selling in the US. As for KEF ... not sure but i'll look into it.

Good to know that i'm somewhat on par with what i had in mind.

Thanks !

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