I haven't done any audio mixing using entirely USB, you may want to try on a more DJ specific, or music mastering type of forum if you don't get a good answer here. I do expect that you will have to use music creation software which supports multi-track output. You also have to remember that normal music is TWO-CHANNEL stereo, so it takes up two inputs, not one if that's part of your playback goals.
I do a fair bit of mixing, but it is conference room work, not live sound work, so I'm not as familiar with these types of products.
You will want to be a lot more specific about your usage, and you will want to ask a lot more questions than just jumping into products. It's better to NOT look at products right away, but do more research on the type of goals you have. Be specific about sources, desires, and final playback results you want.
Be aware that some devices allow you to cascade multiple units and may include Dante interfaces for digital audio connections between multiple units on the fly, which could be helpful for expandability.