WmAx said:
In order to increase efficiency/evaluate feasibility of the extent of this research -- don't you think it would be beneficial to organize DBT or ABX method testing cmoparing a cable that is linear at high frequency(500kHz) and one that is non-linear at high frequency, level matched, to evaluate the audibility before focusing on a specific target of research? Or, this may be of further interest then simply audibility for you? Acedemic value?
I work in the field of e/m theory..so this avenue is of tremendous academic interest to me..
Since DBT stuff has not seen a difference, where so many swear there is, I question using that method until more is known about what we are looking for.
When one considers what is being looked for here, I can't get excited about DBT...yet...
I'll give a brief explanation of that. Soundstage imaging is not a hardware entity...it is a construct entirely of the mind..we are attempting to fool our brain into believing that something is producing sound where no physical object is...as a result, it is necessary for the brain to learn by experience, how to interpret what is being heard, and construct the virtual sound field pattern for our enjoyment..
This is the exact same thing that happens when you look at one of those 3-D posters, with the whale, or bird, or whatever, encrypted into the picture..you have to stare at it, drifting the eyes out of normalcy, to derive an image.. Once learned, it is easier and easier to form the image..some people, however, are unable to do it no matter what..
Now, back to audio..how long does it take for the brain to re-establish the virtual image of soundstage, if something in the system, cables for example, causes a shift of the temporal relations we are using for building that image? If it takes an hour of listening, how is rapid shifting gonna help discern a change? If it takes ten days??
WmAx said:
I admit I do not read AA except on rare occasion. However, I do seem to remember a popular amplifier designer named 'John Curl' with whom you were conversing a few months back in the Prop Head forum; it seemd from the few posts I bothered to read, he was being irrational and accusatory in a discussion concerning capacitor dielectrics. Is that the kind of hostility to which you are referring?
Yep...also, one of the moderators plays fast and loose, spouting all kinds of derogatory insults to anyone who disagrees with his point of view.....and occasionally, one or two others will chip in to defend the poor behaviour of these two..It bugs me when they badger others also, and I make my feelings clear in that regard...hence the fallout with Ted..
WmAx said:
Did such test take place under DBT/ABX level matched conditions? If so, do you have the test data to publish?
It was not a controlled scientific test..it was Ted just putting the wires in his system, and telling me what he heard..
His comments were very well constructed, to give me an interesting indication as to what he felt to be the differences..it has led me towards further research into how we visualize sounds in 3 dimensions, and how we try to fool our brain into thinking something is there via two sound sources. Where I can, I glean from published papers, and where I can't, I do the tests myself..
I gotta tell ya, this downtime to build my lab is totally killing me...
Cheers, John