I'm curious as to what products to use working with MDF. What is the best glue to use to bind joints. Should I use a biscuit? How should I prep the MDF at the joint. Sand it? As for glues for veneer the local hardwoods shop said use epoxy. I mentioned the iron on glue stuff DIY seem to use but he had no idea what I was talking about and said "no no use epoxy" but this guy knows nothing about MDF substrate. I have heard so many varying opinions on the topic that I'm rather lost as to how to finish the cabs LOL. It seems very little is known in the wood working community how to work with MDF and they all stick their noses up and use baltic birtch. I found some great posts on the shop bot forum regarding working with MDF.
"Sherwin Williams "Promar" E-Z Sanding Lacquer Searler B44FT8" seems to be popular as a sealer for Lacquer top coat.
This seems to be the best way to apply it.
To get the best results, I suggest this procedure and you will get good results and as you refine it you will get perfect results.
1. Sand all edges with 150-180g
2. sand all edges with 200-300g
3. primer using a lacquer based sanding sealer
4. sand whole thing with 300g
5. add another coat of sanding sealer and another if needed.
6. paint as usual...
By using that process you will get a bullet proof finish. Heres why...
first you are sanding to remove any machining marks, then you are "burnishing" with 200-300g.
What this means is you are using the micro dust to seal the edges as you are sanding.
Then by adding the sanding sealer you are in effect making a surfboard type of finish, the sanding sealer soaks into the pores making it one solid surface."
Mdf finishing - Let's Talk ShopBot
Some 2008 PRS Alpha Highlights - Let's Talk ShopBot
And this is an interesting post
Has Anyone Ever Heard Of Using Lacquer As A Primer?? - Painting & Finish Work - Contractor Talk
The top coat is Porter's Glyptex High gloss oil.
This stuff I can easily source.
Sandable Primer
rimer | PlastiKote Paint Products
I found some interesting products and I wonder if others have used it with MDF
This looks like a potential FANTASTIC sealer for MDF
They also make a glue in which the marketing material specifically mentions speaker cabinets.
Star Distributing * Similarities and Differences between Tropical Hardwood Epoxy and Oak and Teak d Glue Information Page
Looks like great product.
veneersupplies.com is a good source for heat lock glue for the iron on method, as well as other glues if you have a vacuum press.