Atoms speakers, can they be substituted?



I am looking at a new Yamaha rx-a3070 receiver and I would love to wire in atoms speakers but I don't know if these speakers need to be top of the line type speakers or if I can use something like the Klipsch quintet speakers for front and rear height or any other mini monitor type speaker. I would hate to break the bank on speakers that are designed for fill.


Speaker of the House
Staff member
If you are looking for Atmos effects speakers of the type that is often seen mounted on top the front left and right speakers, no, the Klipsch Quintet would not work for that at all. Those have to be a specially designed speaker. If you are talking about something that you can mount on the ceiling, the Klipsch Quintet might not be horrible in that application, if you can not spring for real ceiling speakers, but that is depending on where and how you mount them.


Yes. I was talking about speakers that I could mount near the ceiling. I could easily make a mount to angle them properly. I just seemed pointless to me to buy a speaker because it's cabinet is tapered when I can put any quality mini speaker there to do the same job.

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