Magnetic tape was an IT standard for backup and archiving for a fairly long time. The equipment wasn’t cheap, but those tapes had no apparent issues lasting a decade+ in my experience.
LP’s aren’t exactly perfect since playing them results in degradation. It is a glorified stone carving, except to read it, you drag a needle across the carving, damaging it. A digital format is far more suitable for ensuring that things remain pristine. The easiest way to get things done is to accept that maintaining tens/hundreds of TB of data is best dealt with by large companies that have the resources to store it with multiple redundant sites, with regular backups. It’s not really feasible for an individual consumer to achieve a comparable level of redundancy/disaster recovery, though you could do alright if cost wasn’t an object.
And yeah, physical media is deader than a doornail to my generation (I’m the vanguard of the millennials), never mind Gen Z. A few think my rig is cool, but by in large, a phone/ipad/laptop and some headphones are perfectly adequate… and in truth, they are. I’ve watched plenty of stuff that way, and a good set of headphones / earbuds easily throws down with far more expensive setups qualitatively.