ARC REF 110 or 2X MC 275



Looking for a tube amp for my Sonus faber Cremona. My current Krell KSA-200s is too powerful at 4ohm. So I need something that is more manageable.

Found an Audio Research Reference 110 (110W at 4ohm, in stereo. $5500USD) and a pair of MC275 MK IV ( 150W @2/4/8OHM mono. $4800USD). I know both amp are very good. But I am not sure which one is better. In fact, I will add these two into the equation, ARC VT150SE (130W, monoblock, current model) and ARC VS115 (120W, stereo).

the 4 are, ARC REF 110, ARC VT 150SE, ARCVS 115 and a pair of MC 275 MK 4

And I tell my girlfriend that it will be my last amp. And I really hope it is, kinda tired for daily looking for THE amp. Just want to focus on the music. And I will run all balance cable from DAC to PRE-AMP to AMP

my kind of music is, classical (mostly piano), jazz and sometimes pop.

my gear, BAT VK30SE pre-amp, Rega Planet CD player, Wyred 4 Sound DAC-2, Sonus faber Cremona speaker, Cinepro PowerPro 20 power condition.

thanks a lot



Audioholic Ninja
My current Krell KSA-200s is too powerful at 4ohm. So I need something that is more manageable.

Seriously though, you are going from pre-pro to amp using the same connection? Meaning, balanced to balanced or RCA to RCA. Most critically, going from pre-pro's RCA to balanced on amp will give you a 6dB boost. Further, the BAT's RCA Out is at +4dB, which is evident from the measurement section of this review.

I am not familiar with tube amps, but based on the speaker's impedance/phase measurement, I'd recommend a very beafy amp.




Sorry for late reply.

After review all replies from here and other forum, this is what people suggest.
1. the SF speaker is on the "mellow" side. And it is not easy to drive it right, so it should use a SS amp.
2. I already have the BAT pre-amp, plus the SF speaker. I will need a faster and more control amp, thus SS amp.
3. Can't really compare ARC amp with Mcintosh amp. they are two different sound.
4. MC 275 is an old design compare to ARC, and should not use it in mono, as it is push-pull design
5. ARC REF 110 is better than all other regualr ARC amp. But ARC REF 150 is much better than REF110
6. my Krell KSA-200S is not really "too" powerful.

So, seem I should stay with the SS side, or pick an tube amp that is faster, more control and less "tube" sound. Is such thing exist and available from ARC or Mcintosh? I will try to stay with ARC or Mcintosh or other major brand, since I believe it will hold better resell value and easier to resell. Or is there a very good used SS amp that is around 3-5K. Krell, Mark Levinson, Mcintosh or even arc?

again, thank you very much. I really don't know a lot about HI-FI equipment.

VIc :)


Audioholic Slumlord
live and learn. apparently amps could be fast or slow... and here's me thinking they all amplify the signal in real time since electrons flow almost at speed of light Speed of electricity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But Alas, I guess I was wrong after all the years :eek:


I could imagine the amp having significantly more power than needed could damage the speakers, but would to call it "unmanageable" ??

Seriously thou - Dear OP - if you want better SQ - stop wasting money on electronics - invest into room treatments and if not enough - replace the speakers

This does not inspire me that much - Checkout Philharmonic 3 speakers
Much better investment for your money than replacing to "faster" amp ;)

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