Looking for a tube amp for my Sonus faber Cremona. My current Krell KSA-200s is too powerful at 4ohm. So I need something that is more manageable.
Found an Audio Research Reference 110 (110W at 4ohm, in stereo. $5500USD) and a pair of MC275 MK IV ( 150W @2/4/8OHM mono. $4800USD). I know both amp are very good. But I am not sure which one is better. In fact, I will add these two into the equation, ARC VT150SE (130W, monoblock, current model) and ARC VS115 (120W, stereo).
the 4 are, ARC REF 110, ARC VT 150SE, ARCVS 115 and a pair of MC 275 MK 4
And I tell my girlfriend that it will be my last amp. And I really hope it is, kinda tired for daily looking for THE amp. Just want to focus on the music. And I will run all balance cable from DAC to PRE-AMP to AMP
my kind of music is, classical (mostly piano), jazz and sometimes pop.
my gear, BAT VK30SE pre-amp, Rega Planet CD player, Wyred 4 Sound DAC-2, Sonus faber Cremona speaker, Cinepro PowerPro 20 power condition.
thanks a lot