
Well, as far as possible medical uses go, (I haven't read anything abour the product yet) does it have a stylus and handwriting recognition software? That could be useful, instead of having to type on a software keyboard, a doctor could simply use the stylus to write his notes, then have that automatically translated into an easily readable format and added to the patients charts/notes.

From a learning stand point, I could possibly see some use for one of these devices in a classroom environment. Being able to load textbooks onto it, perhaps have some kind of wireless system throughout a school that students would be able to log into with specific passwords for their classes to then get access to class notes, recorded lessons, and other useful classroom information. Though you could do this with a laptop as well, but this might be easier to carry around than a laptop.

Anyways, just some things I thought up for possible uses. I'm not a Mac fan, so I also see this as a large iPhone. Although if it has bluetooth, you could even start using it as a phone as well.


Audioholic General
So many things here wrong I don't know where to start. Lets start with the most obvious glaring wrong. Care how to explain that OS X is less powerful than windows? You are kidding correct? UNIX less powerful than windows? Ahh yes it has to be a joke. Best audio and video software runs on mac, best version of office is mac, huge amounts of linux and Unix apps have been brought over to mac, OS X Unix 64bit, so on and so on. There is nothing LESS Powerful about OS X in any way. and iMacs are only one model of mac too.
"Best audio and video software runs on a mac"
Now that is a misconception. I've used audio and video editing software on both platforms for two years in university.

Acid music, soundstorm, fruity loops, vegas, premiere, even programs as integral as CAD are either not available on a Mac OS or are just plain easier to use on a windows platform.

Every Mac OS has compatibility problems, if you can't run the programs then why use it? Our definition of powerful are a little bit different I think. I'm thinking for the average user. I would never ever use Linux for any reason other than screwing around with something new. Simple tasks are just not easy to do on Linux based machines. Even though we were forced to have a dual boot of linux on our computers for certain projects. It's not a very user friendly OS in my opinion. Atleast it wasn't 5 years ago when I was using it.

Sure Linux and Unix are very powerful OS' coming for a technical standpoint, and since OSX is based around their ideas one could argue it is just as "powerful".

But if windows and OSX got into a fight, windows would win.


Audioholic Samurai
"Best audio and video software runs on a mac"
Now that is a misconception. I've used audio and video editing software on both platforms for two years in university.

Acid music, soundstorm, fruity loops, vegas, premiere, even programs as integral as CAD are either not available on a Mac OS or are just plain easier to use on a windows platform.

Every Mac OS has compatibility problems, if you can't run the programs then why use it? Our definition of powerful are a little bit different I think. I'm thinking for the average user. I would never ever use Linux for any reason other than screwing around with something new. Simple tasks are just not easy to do on Linux based machines. Even though we were forced to have a dual boot of linux on our computers for certain projects. It's not a very user friendly OS in my opinion. Atleast it wasn't 5 years ago when I was using it.

Sure Linux and Unix are very powerful OS' coming for a technical standpoint, and since OSX is based around their ideas one could argue it is just as "powerful".

But if windows and OSX got into a fight, windows would win.
Don't start using those words Shock, I think Apple has a patent on them.....Powerful, shiny, I think this video sums it up.....:)

<object width="480" height="430"><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /><param name="movie" value="http://www.theonion.com/content/themes/common/assets/onn_embed/embedded_player.swf?image=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.theonion.com%2Fcontent%2Ffiles%2Fimages%2FNO_KEYBOARD_article.jpg&videoid=92328&title=Apple%20Introduces%20Revolutionary%20New%20Laptop%20With%20No%20Keyboard" /><param name="wmode" value="transparent" /><embed src="http://www.theonion.com/content/themes/common/assets/onn_embed/embedded_player.swf"type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowScriptAccess="always" allowFullScreen="true" wmode="transparent" width="480" height="430"flashvars="image=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.theonion.com%2Fcontent%2Ffiles%2Fimages%2FNO_KEYBOARD_article.jpg&videoid=92328&title=Apple%20Introduces%20Revolutionary%20New%20Laptop%20With%20No%20Keyboard"></embed></object><br />Apple Introduces Revolutionary New Laptop With No Keyboard
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Audioholic Samurai
Don't start using those words Shock, I think Apple has a patent on them.....Powerful, shiny, I think this video sums it up.....:)

<object width="480" height="430"><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /><param name="movie" value="http://www.theonion.com/content/themes/common/assets/onn_embed/embedded_player.swf?image=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.theonion.com%2Fcontent%2Ffiles%2Fimages%2FNO_KEYBOARD_article.jpg&videoid=92328&title=Apple%20Introduces%20Revolutionary%20New%20Laptop%20With%20No%20Keyboard" /><param name="wmode" value="transparent" /><embed src="http://www.theonion.com/content/themes/common/assets/onn_embed/embedded_player.swf"type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowScriptAccess="always" allowFullScreen="true" wmode="transparent" width="480" height="430"flashvars="image=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.theonion.com%2Fcontent%2Ffiles%2Fimages%2FNO_KEYBOARD_article.jpg&videoid=92328&title=Apple%20Introduces%20Revolutionary%20New%20Laptop%20With%20No%20Keyboard"></embed></object><br />Apple Introduces Revolutionary New Laptop With No Keyboard

That's a great video, hilarious - we all got a kick out of it here in my office back when it first came out. :D
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Full Audioholic
A few people have mentioned using this device in a healthcare setting, so I thought I'd weigh in. FWIW, I'm with my third organization transitioning to EMR.

This could work if the device is somewhat durable, secure and works with imaging viewers. Stuff gets knocked around and dropped all the time, so Apple would have to provide a way to protect it. EMR systems are designed to completely replace all hard copy documents (including x-rays, etc), so it would have to work with existing PC based viewers and information systems. The lack of a complete OS really hurts this. I'm not sure if the iPad has the horsepower to handle viewing CTs or MRIs with any sort of fluidity either. IMO, the biggest hurdle is security. This device could be easily stolen, lost or "borrowed" so security would have to be bullet-proof. The way it accesses a network would have to be vastly different than the commercial device.

At this point in the game, the iPad may simply be too "techie" for a lot of the older docs. One clinic I was with had 1/4 of their physicians quit because they didn't want to learn EMR. The lack of a keyboard or ability to add one is a huge hurdle because it will kill productivity (which suffers enough during the transition).

I think Apple dropped the ball big on this one. If it had the features others have listed, it would be very viable in a healthcare setting. I (and my classmates) would LOVE something like this.


Republican Poster Boy
The point to be made is that out of the box OSX is not as powerful as Windows. If you dig in and actually know some bash then your golden.....but at that point why not just go with Linux which is free and has a billion free apps?

I can take screenshots too. :)

No that is just false because it is just as or more powerful out of the box than windows and that is the truth. The terminal has always been there. There is nothing that makes windows more powerful than OS X out of the box as you put it.


Republican Poster Boy
"Best audio and video software runs on a mac"
Now that is a misconception. I've used audio and video editing software on both platforms for two years in university.

Acid music, soundstorm, fruity loops, vegas, premiere, even programs as integral as CAD are either not available on a Mac OS or are just plain easier to use on a windows platform.

Every Mac OS has compatibility problems, if you can't run the programs then why use it? Our definition of powerful are a little bit different I think. I'm thinking for the average user. I would never ever use Linux for any reason other than screwing around with something new. Simple tasks are just not easy to do on Linux based machines. Even though we were forced to have a dual boot of linux on our computers for certain projects. It's not a very user friendly OS in my opinion. Atleast it wasn't 5 years ago when I was using it.

Sure Linux and Unix are very powerful OS' coming for a technical standpoint, and since OSX is based around their ideas one could argue it is just as "powerful".

But if windows and OSX got into a fight, windows would win.
I could also name a list of apps that are not available or don't run well on windows such as Logic Studio or Final Cut Studio, and that proves what? The fact of the matter is windows is not more powerful in any sense of the word home user or otherwise. It is just another OS and has more faults than OS X does as from an OS stand point.

I don't think windows wins the fight in any technical or general use sense. More games is about all it wins on.

Just what are these so-called compatibility problems of which you speak?
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Audioholics Master Chief
I love my iTouch. Its the first Apple product I've ever purchased. I have no interest in this iPad whatsoever. Its too big given the lack of functionality it offers. The touchpad keyboard would drive me insane after about 2 minutes of using it. I really don't get this product. :confused:


Audioholic Slumlord
[annoyed] Components. Apple components, PC Components, ALL MADE IN TAIWAN! :D

OS is not the problem, the problem is in 99.99% of cases is the user


Republican Poster Boy
A few people have mentioned using this device in a healthcare setting, so I thought I'd weigh in. FWIW, I'm with my third organization transitioning to EMR.

This could work if the device is somewhat durable, secure and works with imaging viewers. Stuff gets knocked around and dropped all the time, so Apple would have to provide a way to protect it. EMR systems are designed to completely replace all hard copy documents (including x-rays, etc), so it would have to work with existing PC based viewers and information systems. The lack of a complete OS really hurts this. I'm not sure if the iPad has the horsepower to handle viewing CTs or MRIs with any sort of fluidity either. IMO, the biggest hurdle is security. This device could be easily stolen, lost or "borrowed" so security would have to be bullet-proof. The way it accesses a network would have to be vastly different than the commercial device.

At this point in the game, the iPad may simply be too "techie" for a lot of the older docs. One clinic I was with had 1/4 of their physicians quit because they didn't want to learn EMR. The lack of a keyboard or ability to add one is a huge hurdle because it will kill productivity (which suffers enough during the transition).

I think Apple dropped the ball big on this one. If it had the features others have listed, it would be very viable in a healthcare setting. I (and my classmates) would LOVE something like this.
It has a touch screen keyboard that can be engaged and a bluetooth keyboard can be added if one wanted to. I can picture a lot of uses for something like this in healthcare provided that someone writes the apps for it.


Republican Poster Boy
[annoyed] Components. Apple components, PC Components, ALL MADE IN TAIWAN! :D

OS is not the problem, the problem is in 99.99% of cases is the user
Well I won't argue with that. In most cases Mac or windows that's what I have noticed.

Windows is much easier to break though and harder to recover it once it's been broke.


Charlie Brooker (The guy who called macs Fischer-Price playcenters for adults) is going to have a field day with this thing.


Audioholic Overlord
LOL a fight between Apple and Windows users.

Software is made and optimized for different tasks. Still I'd gander that the SDKs for the Windows are vastly superior to Apple's. If you've never developed software using a Microsoft development platform that was properly implemented. You really are missing out on a very powerful tool.

Unix has it's strengths, but it's not user friendly at all. I've not used a distro of Linux I'd give to a novice.

I also much prefer the IA 32 assembly language to the RISC stuff I've had to use. Non fixed length commands are much simpler and elegant.


Audioholic Overlord
Well I won't argue with that. In most cases Mac or windows that's what I have noticed.

Windows is much easier to break though and harder to recover it once it's been broke.
It's also much easier to hack in my experience. Still a properly run system is very stable.


Audioholic Slumlord
LOL a fight between Apple and Windows users.

Software is made and optimized for different tasks. Still I'd gander that the SDKs for the Windows are vastly superior to Apple's. If you've never developed software using a Microsoft development platform that was properly implemented. You really are missing out on a very powerful tool.

Unix has it's strengths, but it's not user friendly at all. I've not used a distro of Linux I'd give to a novice.

I also much prefer the IA 32 assembly language to the RISC stuff I've had to use. Non fixed length commands are much simpler and elegant.
Well, since about 3 years ago ALL mac running Intel processors, so no more RISC, And C'mon who programs assembly nowadays anyways? Even Device drivers are all C/C++. Linux has improved quite a bit in terms of user friendliness - try latest Ubuntu and you'll see what I'm talking about...


Full Audioholic
I love my iTouch. Its the first Apple product I've ever purchased. I have no interest in this iPad whatsoever. Its too big given the lack of functionality it offers. The touchpad keyboard would drive me insane after about 2 minutes of using it. I really don't get this product. :confused:
I like the size. I have an IPOD touch and use the Sonos app instead of the new $400 remote. The only thing I don't like is that it is a little small. I also use the IPOD touch to control my Yamaha Z11 and would love if the sreen was a little bigger. Same for control of Escient over home network. I think that the bigger screen will be great for home theater control but that is just me. I am old and my eyes aren;t what they used to be.


Republican Poster Boy
LOL a fight between Apple and Windows users.

Software is made and optimized for different tasks. Still I'd gander that the SDKs for the Windows are vastly superior to Apple's. If you've never developed software using a Microsoft development platform that was properly implemented. You really are missing out on a very powerful tool.

Unix has it's strengths, but it's not user friendly at all. I've not used a distro of Linux I'd give to a novice.

I also much prefer the IA 32 assembly language to the RISC stuff I've had to use. Non fixed length commands are much simpler and elegant.
Well am not programmer and don't pretend to be, but from what I have read Snow leopard (OS 10.6) is supposed to have some very powerful features that a programmer can take advantage of. Maybe someone who knows could enlighten us.

Like I said I am not a programmer but some of this stuff looks pretty cool if you are one.



Full Audioholic
It has a touch screen keyboard that can be engaged and a bluetooth keyboard can be added if one wanted to. I can picture a lot of uses for something like this in healthcare provided that someone writes the apps for it.
Have you tried typing on a touch screen keyboard? It's slow. Docs don't like slow (costs $$$).

A device LIKE the iPad would work great. The iPad in its current form doesn't provide enough core functionality (such as multitasking) to be useful. To make it so would require Apple to completely reprogam the device and probably make some hardware changes.

You can't just write an app that incorporates all aspects of a multimillion dollar information system seamlessly for a device that wasn't really designed for that type of work.

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