Anyone running an Anthem P5



Junior Audioholic
Hi all , I am running a marrantz av7005 and a marrantz mm7055. As for speakers I have the newest studio 100's front and rear and a cc690 center channel and a pw2200 subwoofer .
I have heard that the studio 100's sound better with more power so I was debating to start adding two more 15 amp dedicated circuits to accommodate an anthem P5 . The store recommended biamping with two mca50's but I'd sooner use the P5 and kibosh biamping .
Anyone using anthems P5 and are they happy with the amp ? I have to build a tougher stereo rack to accommodate the amp also as is 130 pounds .
I like the fact that it has 325 watts all driven into an 8 ohm load . This amp draws 3600 watts max as opposed to my marrantzes 660 ,so I suspect I should have a little more headroom

i guess the bottom line is , will there be an improvement in the sound as I heard mid bass was improved with a more powerful amp . Some forums claim they require 250 watts to make them come alive
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Audioholic Samurai
My setup at one point was almost identical to yours except for the amp. I first had a PVA 7 channel then upgraded to MCA 50 / MCA 20 driving 7 channels. When I purchased the AV7005 I had problems with (hiss/crackle) on both the PVA 7 and MCA series amps that could be heard about 5' away from speakers. After endless amounts of trouble shooting, some even in this forum I sold my AV7005 and got a AVM 50Vw/arc and now 3D. I have had 0 hiss with this combination. I know that there is a lot on forums discussing this issue as apparently Marantz works better with some AMPs than others. I would definitely talk to your dealer and demo the amp first to make sure you don't experience the same issues. I know this didn't answer your questions, but I wanted to give you a heads up before you could possibly run into the same issue.


Audioholic Slumlord
I know that there is a lot on forums discussing this issue as apparently Marantz works better with some AMPs than others. I would definitely talk to your dealer and demo the amp first to make sure you don't experience the same issues. I know this didn't answer your questions, but I wanted to give you a heads up before you could possibly run into the same issue.
I don't think so and I think those AV7005s you mentioned are probably defective. There is no other reason why the AV7005 would cause hiss and crackle with certain amps, and certain amps only. Mine works with Adcom, Anthem, Marantz, Bryston amps with no problem at all. Like anything else, you made/sold enough of them some would turn up defective.
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Audioholic Slumlord
i guess the bottom line is , will there be an improvement in the sound as I heard mid bass was improved with a more powerful amp . Some forums claim they require 250 watts to make them come alive
More power is generally better but the Studio 100 V5 are not that hard to drive though they can take a lot of power if you want them play loud in a large room, but that does not equate to better sound quality. Unless you are unpowering them now, adding a P5 is not going to get you improvement aside from the initial Placebo effect benefits. When you are listening at a SPL you like, what is the volume setting? If it is in the neighborhood of say -15 or even -5, the extra power of the P5 will not be employed but will just be sitting there as reserve 99% of the time. I would save the money and trade in the Studios for the Signatures, that's if you are a Digm fan, otherwise try out some KEF R series or ref series for better sound quality. Just my 0.02 cents.


Junior Audioholic
Wow Cos you have me a little concerned with my processor . I would be some disappointed and broke just to find out the P5 added hiss or crackling . To me it's not making sense but you've seen it first hand .

Guys I don't really listen to my system very loud , it's just that I've heard the 100's like a lot of power to get what people refer to as a much improved mid bass , a wider sound stage , Dynamic range , attack and decay etc etc . What more power has to do with sound stage is totally beyond me?
Anyways I am extremely happy that I replaced my studio 40 V2's and went with 100's V5's all around as the sound is fantastic. Watched part of Tomb Raider on a hi def channel and was amazed as to how real the scenes were when your right in the middle of it .

I still don't think there's enough mid bass IMO though . I used to be a hardcore car audio guy and there's just something missing ?


Audioholic Slumlord
Wow Cos you have me a little concerned with my processor .
If it does fine now with your Marantz amps, it will be fine with the P5, don't worry about it. It works perfectly with my entry level Anthem MCA20 and my other amps. A few guys on forums reported problems with their AV7005 when they first came out, but you are going to get a few with issues no matter what, when you are dealing with such top seller/popular models. IMHO the P5 is an overkill for the Studios though.

Guys I don't really listen to my system very loud , it's just that I've heard the 100's like a lot of power to get what people refer to as a much improved mid bass , a wider sound stage , Dynamic range , attack and decay etc etc . What more power has to do with sound stage is totally beyond me?
Exactly, on forums you are going to hear lots of BS, or exagerrated claims.

Anyways I am extremely happy that I replaced my studio 40 V2's and went with 100's V5's all around as the sound is fantastic. Watched part of Tomb Raider on a hi def channel and was amazed as to how real the scenes were when your right in the middle of it .
Some people don't like them as much, but I found even the Studio 60 V5 sounds great.

I still don't think there's enough mid bass IMO though . I used to be a hardcore car audio guy and there's just something missing ?
Did you run Audyssey and follow instructions exactly? If not, you may not have your bass management done correctly. Also, don't forget even with those the relatively large Studio 100's you should set them to "small" and crossover at 80 Hz for optimum bass.


Junior Audioholic
Interesting . I did use audyssey and placed the mike a total of 2 times. However I have the four 100's and the cc690 set to a 50hz cross over and all speakers to large .
I guess I'll reconfigure the settings and let audyssey recalibrate it again and see if there's an improvement. I really thought that the speakers should have been set to large and the lowest x over setting though .
So what your saying is the speakers are being robbed of mid bass by trying to produce bass? I realize the subs doing bass duty so you may have a point .
. Thanks for the input all
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Junior Audioholic
To keep my amp rack looking aesthetically pleasing I could buy a second matching marrantz amp and bi amp , but I have found there are two schools of thought on bi amping the 100's also


Audioholic Samurai
I don't think so and I think those AV7005s you mentioned are probably defective. There is no other reason why the AV7005 would cause hiss and crackle with certain amps, and certain amps only. Mine works with Adcom, Anthem, Marantz, Bryston amps with no problem at all. Like anything else, you made/sold enough of them some would turn up defective.
Peng, you were one of the people who originally tried to help me with this issue, and I am definitely no expert, but I went through three AV7005 Marantz units, and I had problems with all three. I purchased the first two from Amazon and the last from my Home Audio Guy. I spent about two weeks, trying to ground, checking to see if the was the cable box, all the trouble shooting that was suggested when I posted this issue about a year ago in this forum. Nothing worked. At the time I was upgrading from AVM 30 Anthem Amp and when I hooked it back up, no buzzing etc. I also tried different interconnects, which are not cheap :). When I demo'd the Intergra 80.x and when I purchased the AVM50V I did not experience this issue. If you even check some of the reviews on Amazon about the newer 7701 people are having the same issue. One person even pointed out Marantz Technical support stating that some amps are not as compatable with their equipment. (I do take that with a grain of salt) Either way, I am not saying your wrong, but I think it you are going to spend that amount of money for a P5, It might be a smart idea to test it out first.


Full Audioholic
I still don't think there's enough mid bass IMO though . I used to be a hardcore car audio guy and there's just something missing ?
Speakers are positioned for proper imaging for midrange and treble, which means it may not be and optimal spot for bass/midbass reproduction.

Better/multiple subwoofers is the key to having that "kickdrum midbass" "slam". What you need really is a better subwoofer and preferable two of them. Something like the PowerSoundAudio XS30 would give you that "slam" effect that can seem like its hitting you in the chest.

While your subwoofer is a decent one its still fairly small and may not have enough output that your wanting. If you really want to improve you system, skip the $5000 P5 and go with a pair of new subwoofers.

Dual-PB13-Ultra - SVS
Also add Seaton Submersive HP to the list.

Use the rest of your budget for corner bass traps from Gik Acoustics floor to ceiling in the front corners can improve nulls in the midbass.


Audioholic Slumlord
Interesting . I did use audyssey and placed the mike a total of 2 times.
Audyssey suggests we do it for all 8 positions, so 8 times.

However I have the four 100's and the cc690 set to a 50hz cross over and all speakers to large .
This seems conflicting. The fact is, if you set them to large, you are running them full band so I am not sure what you meant by setting 50 Hz cross over. If you are running your speakers full band, well I can see problems.

I guess I'll reconfigure the settings and let audyssey recalibrate it again and see if there's an improvement.
Good idea, and please read the instructions on the Audyssey website carefully. You have to position the mic correctly, and be sure to disable/bypass all bass management controls on the sub, just let Audyssey take care of everything.

I really thought that the speakers should have been set to large and the lowest x over setting though .
Well, I guess many of us do think that at one point, but 80 Hz does seem like the best bet in most applications. You may try 60 Hz but I wouldn't go below that for sure.

So what your saying is the speakers are being robbed of mid bass by trying to produce bass?
No, I am not saying that at all. I just think it is easier for Audyssey to do a good job managing the subwoofer. Think about it, it is easier to manage one active kid than 6 right? It also makes it easy for the amp if it does not have to pump out the current hungry low frequency signals to 4 Studio 100s plus 1 CC690.


Audioholic Slumlord
Peng, you were one of the people who originally tried to help me with this issue, and I am definitely no expert, but I went through three AV7005 Marantz units, and I had problems with all three. I purchased the first two from Amazon and the last from my Home Audio Guy. I spent about two weeks, trying to ground, checking to see if the was the cable box, all the trouble shooting that was suggested when I posted this issue about a year ago in this forum. Nothing worked.
I do remember another member had some humming issue but I don't recall anything about crackling. Again, considering that Marantz has sold a lot of units, it is not nice but also not so surprising that a few went defective. I just plowed through the AVSforum owners thread and they happy, one reported no issues with his Emo amp.

At the time I was upgrading from AVM 30 Anthem Amp and when I hooked it back up, no buzzing etc.
That is really puzzling. Preamps and amps are such a mature technology, there really isn't anything about "compatibility". My AV7005 is working perfectly with an Anthem MCA20 driving my L/R, a Adcom 555 (using one channel) for the center speaker, and a Marantz MM8003 for the surround channels. It is also connected to one of my separate system (Cambridage Audio/Bryston) via zone 2 so that's a lot of amps it has to be "compatible" with, yet I have experienced no hum, hiss or any noise issues.

also tried different interconnects, which are not cheap :). When I demo'd the Intergra 80.x and when I purchased the AVM50V I did not experience this issue.
I really don't know what to say. If you had tried 3 units, I would agree it was unlikely all 3 units would be defective, but I strongly believe there was a culprit that somehow was able to escape you.

If you even check some of the reviews on Amazon about the newer 7701 people are having the same issue. One person even pointed out Marantz Technical support stating that some amps are not as compatable with their equipment. (I do take that with a grain of salt) Either way, I am not saying your wrong, but I think it you are going to spend that amount of money for a P5, It might be a smart idea to test it out first.
I will check it out, I just thought I should check AVS first for the obvious reason. I am being tempted to upgrade to the AV8801 so I will check out some 8801 user threads too.


Junior Audioholic
Cos , do you have a dedicated power outlet for your home theatre, and did you check to see if by chance you don't have one of the power wires connected wrong . Like the ground swapped for the neutral?

Peng , I have to say I'm confused . I set all my speakers to large but when I checked some setting in the marrantz proc I seen there was settings for the xover and they were at 50hz . I may have to do something I hate , read the manual .

regarding a better sub woofer I was debating to go with two on the newer paradigms called the sub 12. There priced a lot higher than most , retailing at $2500 each . One store said they would get them for $1500 each though . I always thought 15's were a little sloppy sounding ,but haven't owned a home one so until I try I don't know . Was going to have one in the right front and one placed behind the couch in the left rear .The marrantz proc does have two subwoofer outputs . Not sure how well they work though


Audioholic Slumlord
Peng , I have to say I'm confused . I set all my speakers to large but when I checked some setting in the marrantz proc I seen there was settings for the xover and they were at 50hz . I may have to do something I hate , read the manual .
You might have been confused the crossover settings with the LPF (low pass frequency) for the LFE (low frequency effect, that is the sub channel) in the manual Setup screen's "Bass Setting". For that LPF setting, I would set it to 150 Hz. If you set that to 50 Hz, the sub will be getting 50 Hz and below, and anything above that will be rolled off rapidly. That, combined with having all 4 big Studio 100s set to large, could well be your problem.

regarding a better sub woofer I was debating to go with two on the newer paradigms called the sub 12. There priced a lot higher than most , retailing at $2500 each . One store said they would get them for $1500 each though . I always thought 15's were a little sloppy sounding ,but haven't owned a home one so until I try I don't know . Was going to have one in the right front and one placed behind the couch in the left rear .The marrantz proc does have two subwoofer outputs . Not sure how well they work though
What is the size of your room? Since you said you didn't listen too loud, that sub may be adequate. By the way, your Marantz's so called 660W power consumption is not same as the "maximum" power consumption that Anthem specifies for their P5. It is a pity that there are no strict rules or standards that manufacturers have to follow in specifying "power consumption". That has resulted in confusions for the end users. So some might have conveniently choose a way to show a low number, in order to entice those who are environmentally conscious, or keen on minimizing their power bill, while others would choose a way that allows them to specify the maximum, to impressed those non technically oriented audiophiles. My educated guess is that the maximum power consumption for the 7055 would be around 850W.


Junior Audioholic
I still get a cross over option . I put it up to 80 from 50 like you suggested . But didn't change the speakers to small yet



Junior Audioholic
I also found the paradigm sub had the xover point around 100, so I changed it to its max of 150 . Will have to run the audisy setup again when I'm more ambitious


Audioholic Slumlord
I still get a cross over option . I put it up to 80 from 50 like you suggested . But didn't change the speakers to small yet

I think I know what happened now. In addition to setting your speakers to large, you must have set your SW Mode (in Bass Setting) to LFE+Main. With that setting, you are playing full band through your speakers that are set to large but the freq band below the Crossover points are also sent to the subwoofer. So you end up getting a lot of low bass and therefore proportionally you will feel the mid bass lacking. So if you want to regain balance, set SW to LFE, and you will see that your "large" speakers will now show "full band" and you will no longer have the Crossover setting option.

Still, for more balanced sound, you really should stick with "small" and set crossover to 80 Hz, or 60 the lowest, and run Audyssey again with all Paradigm sub settings bypass or disabled, mic pointing upwards, and run for all 8 position.


Junior Audioholic
Ok I think you got it . I never noticed that before , but yes I set to LFE only and the cross over option is in fact gone . So your saying this makes the speakers full range and before I had them at 40 hz and up ?

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