Anyone heard the Yamaha HX series compared to.....



<font color='#000000'>Hi guys Im starting to look at new speakers to upgrade my current 6 speaker HT setup. Has anyone heard Yamaha's HX series compared to their EF series which are just hitting stores. I was content on saving up for the HX's but have hit a few snags in the road and a friend can get me a great discount on the EF series. Current speakers are 2 Yamaha NS-A200XT for mains and 4 NS-A50X's for surrounds and centers. I would like to stick with Yamaha for speakers as all of my equipment basically is made by them. However feel free to plug your favorite brand if you feel you must.

Thnx Steve</font>


Audioholic General
<font color='#0000FF'>SteveJ,

I recently bought a pair of NS8HX for my friend, I own the NS-300 myself. The newer NS-555/777 share the NS-200/300 woofers which are pearl mica injected polymers. The NS-8HX won the best speaker award in Grand Prix des Audio, Japan among some real big names in competition.

Compared to my NS-300, the soundfeild is more focussed due to waveguide horns incorporated, the sound is typical Yamaha that is transparent and clear, the metal tweeter isnt my taste as I prefer the NS-200/300 silk dome. The speakers are heavier than the NS-300 and are exquisitely finished and constructed. AX and EF are much lower end Yamaha speakers compared to their HX flagship.

Eastwood Hi-Fi did a review on this and you can check it out at

Also check this review out at</font>


<font color='#000000'>Hi guys just wanted to say thanks for the advice I have received here. Its a great forum and website. Anyways after a few weeks and several hi-fi shops later I have decided to stick with my original decsion of going with the HX's. Only instead of ordering them all at once ill piece them together abit. I just orded the NS-C7hx for my center channel and a pair of NS-2hx's for rear surrounds. In two weeks ill bite the big bullet and order the NS-8hx's for fronts. Im sure ill be alot happier with these speakers than the EF or performance series speakers although I really did think they sounded great. Special thanks to Yamahaluver for giving me a good unbiased opinion of both systems. Ill be happy to give my opinion after I receive them and break em in
Thanks guys</font>
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Audioholic General
<font color='#0000FF'>It would be really nice to see your review on the NS-8HX. What other speakers did you audition before deciding to buy the HX series and why choose HX over myriads of speakers in the market.

Hope you dont mind all the queries.</font>


<font color='#000000'>Ill be happy to give a review of the speakers. Ill review em as I get them in. First itll be the NS-C7HX center channel and the NS-2HX bookshelves. Then in a few weeks itll be the big guys
. As for my auditioning experience it was quite frustrating as most of shops I went to could only order the speakers but did not keep them on hand. On a funny note one shop I called said they did not have the HX speakers on hand and tried to sell me some other speakers claiming that yamaha speakers in general are &quot;just fine but...&quot; the guy sounded like someone who works at the booze outlet or something. No offense ment there as I have a friend who works at a booze outlet but I would think that a Yamaha authorized retailer would not pull this kind of crap. Anyway finally I found a shop that had a few HX's onhand that they would let me listen to. They had two 6HX mains that they let me play with
The first things I noticed where the clarity and imaging where amazing from vocals to guitars they really made my NS-A200XT mains sound quite bad when I got back home. In the end I listened to quite a few brands from budget to a $25,000 definitive tech setup with huge bipolar? towers in a beautiful custom home theater room with a massive mitsubishi hd widescreen box. Two companies that sparked my curiousity but never got heard where pinnacle and axiom. But in the end I really loved the HX's and I figured I should get what I want not someone else wants or even worse what some sleazy sales guy wants me to get. So ill keep you guys updated and tell you when I start receiving the speakers
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<font color='#000000'>Well the first 5 speakers are here and broke in. Thats 2 NS-8hx's, 2 NS-2hx's, and 1 NS-C7hx. Also I just got another pair of NS-2hx's off ebay at 50% off retail so Ill see how that goes and keep you guys posted. I have ran into a few snags in the road however. The main one is with my TV it is causing interference with my speakers. Basically whatever speaker I set near it starts to hum ... the closer to the tv the louder the hum. The speakers dont have to be hooked up etc. I took my NS-C7hx over to my buddies house and set it atop his sony XBR and theres no problem. If anyone has ever had a problem like this please fill me in as it seems pretty odd to me. After I get this problem licked ill post a reveiw on the whole system for now ill just enjoy the 8hx's
I also think I may need a better receiver as when the system is really being pushed and bass hits the lights dim abit in the room and the volt reading on my panamax dips noticeably. That being said its at really uncomfortable SPL levels. Next up is a nice sofa so I can enjoy all this stuff
Thnx guys and ill post a review soon.</font>
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Audioholic General
<font color='#0000FF'>Well I for one would be waiting for the NS-8HX review, looks like you have a sheilding problem with your TV.

The NS-6HX would have been fantastic rears with their dual woofer unique bookshelf design and they have solid low end allowing you to set your rears to Large in your receiver.Would have been more money though.

For receiver set your sights on the RXV-2400.</font>


Audioholic Intern
<font color='#000000'>hey steve congrats on getting the yamaha hx series,i think this seems to be a universal phenomenon that the sales guys are just not interested in selling the yamaha speakers,cos this happened with me in Oman where i live.....and when i heard the yamaha ns 200,300 i was amazed at the clarity of sound,they are way above my budget but i am waiting.....and i know it'll be worth it.......everyone here that i spoke to and who are supposedly &quot;audiophiles&quot; said that the &quot;yamaha are....well....&quot; but when i prodded they agreed that they had NEVER heard any of the yamaha!!!!!!majority had yamaha amps though!!!!!thanx yamahaluver( u know i mean it)</font>


Audioholic General
<font color='#0000FF'>No need to thank me Singhal2, rather it is I who should thank you for taking my advice and auditioning the NS-200/300, they are arguably one of the most under-rated speakers like many other great speakers from the stables of Yamaha.</font>


Full Audioholic
I thought I would resurrect this thread as I know it is years old but yet again so are these speakers and I must say after all these years I am still very happy with them and they have been the most reliable part of my home theatre experience to date. These speakers are so good for home theatre that I put them way way ahead of a lot of speakers made today at double the price. Its just a shame they were not directly released in the US as there would no doubt be a lot more happy owners out there than there already is. These speakers certainly fill my large dedicated home theatre with there brilliant Canadian Maple finish and powerful clear sound. They also blend in with each other sound wise perfectly. Can't see me selling these anytime soon if at all. Some things just need to stay as they are.



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