Anyone Have A File To Help Figure Out What Crossover Should Be Set To?



Does anyone here have an audio file(s), or some method of running sound through my computer speakers and measuring the DB level with an SPL meter in order to find out at what frequency my speakers stop accurately reproducing sound in order to set my subwoofer/speaker crossover to that frequency?

I realize that audio optimization can get really complicated...should I just set the crossover to 80 and match the decibel level to my speakers with pink noise?

My speakers manufacturer posted frequency response:
Lower Cut-Off Frequency @ -6dB:50 Hz
Upper Cut-Off Frequency @ -6dB: 32 Hz
Lower Cut-Off Frequency @ -3dB:60 Hz
Upper Cut-Off Frequency @ -3dB:24 Hz
Pair Tolerance @ 100Hz-10kHz:1.03dB

Best wishes!!


Audioholic Overlord
Optimal is to use REW and take measurements with different settings until you get the best overall system response. If you want the standard quick solution dial it in to 80hz and leave it be. Unless you have a horn or rotary sub you will be fine with that crossover assuming your mains aren't the little cubes.;)

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