Any Skiers on the Forum?



Seriously, I have no life.
I used to ski, but now I'm one of those pot-smoking hoodlums with a snowboard you old ski fogies are always complaining about. ;)

I'm stuck in the south east, so my ski options are fairly limited unless I drive a ways. The closest ski resort has 3 of 8 slopes open with a 10-15" base.
Complain about 'boarders? Nahhh! We just push them down, give 'em a face washing and shove snow down the neck of their sweater. :D


Audioholic Intern
I've been skiing for 18 years, since I was 3. I learned at a little place in the extreme southwest of NY state called peek'n peak. I now work there as a ski instructor for the extra cash a college student needs. Vertical is a maximum of 360' with a max run length of about 3000'. I race NASTAR(username mal759) and ranked 14th fastest out of 424 racers last season there. I'm skiing Fischer Race SC skiis at 165cm long 14m radius.


Senior Audioholic
Are those boots for alpine skiing or Telemark?

Since you mentioned Mammoth, is the legend true, about the Darwin Award winner who ripped a chunk of padding off of a tower and slid down the hill, ending by doing a face-plant into the same tower?
I'm strictly alpine, although Telemarking looks like something I'd love to learn. About Mammoth: I didn't hear about the face-planter, but a couple of years ago a couple of skiiers fell into a void that was emitting poisonous volcanic gasses - and died. The kicker was the ski-patroller who tried to rescue them died as well.
Since the lift-ticket price at Mammoth went to $80 last year, I chose not to go. Not to mention I'm allergic to poisonous volcanic gas.:rolleyes:

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