Any requests from audioholics to a game developer?



Audioholic Intern
Hi all,

New to the forums here but I figured I'd post in the games section since I work in the gaming industry to say hi and see if there are any complaints, comments, suggestions or requests that you all might have for game developers.

Over the years I've worked with Microsoft, Nintendo, Activision, Vivendi (before they merged) and Electronic Arts, along with about a dozen development studios. I've also worked on sites like lastfm,,, AOL & Yahoos music players and the CBS-Affiliated radio stations.

I keep in touch with the heads of production at many of these places and I'm quite close friends with several of them and they always like hearing my input on what gamers/listeners want.

So? Let's hear it!
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Audioholic Ninja
I want more JRPGs :D With your choice of Dubbed and Undubbed soundtrack.


Audioholic Intern
Dubbed & Undubbed is a good point.

I'm a big anime fan and pretty much always watch in the original language (foreign films included) but at times hearing the english phrasing adds an additional layer of understanding that is difficult to translate with subtitles.

Any particular JRPG you're looking for? Or any particular studio you want more from?

Details welcome!


Audioholic Ninja
As a developer what console would you prefer to develop games on and why? Both 3rd party and exclusive titles.


Audioholic General
The only question I'd ever ask anyone in the video game industry is why are so many triple A studios putting out so many garbage games?

Most notibly EA

This part is more of a comment. The reason Piracy is so bad on the PC is for one reason. PC gamers are smart, and will not pay for beta, or in some cases Alpha, versions of games.


Audioholic Samurai
The only question I'd ever ask anyone in the video game industry is why are so many triple A studios putting out so many garbage games?

Most notibly EA

This part is more of a comment. The reason Piracy is so bad on the PC is for one reason. PC gamers are smart, and will not pay for beta, or in some cases Alpha, versions of games.
I'll see your EA and raise you Activision.:D


Audioholic Intern
As a developer what console would you prefer to develop games on and why?
Personally, as far as console-oriented development I've found developing for PS3 to be the best experience. I find that while both Xbox360 & Wii have relatively 'easy' development cycles by comparison the PS3 always surprises you with what it can do. I think developers are just starting to tap into the power of the PS3.

I'm really looking forward to a meeting I have coming up to discuss a prototype of a very successful cartoon IP as a Kinect title. I'll give you a hint... the horrid movie adaptation bombed at the box-office. ;)

Both 3rd party and exclusive titles.
Did you want to know which titles I've enjoyed working on the most?


Audioholic Intern
The only question I'd ever ask anyone in the video game industry is why are so many triple A studios putting out so many garbage games?

Most notibly EA
I'll see your EA and raise you Activision.:D
You (both) raise an excellent and valid point but I want to clarify something incase it isn't clear.

EA and Activision-Blizzard and primarily Publishers who have bought out development studios (ex: Treyarch, Blizzard, Bioware). Many development studios self-publish but they typically don't have as large a marketing budget as they are usually funded by private investors. Blizzard is an example of a development studio that self-published for many years with great success, but they are certainly not the commonplace developer.

Publishers (usually) provide funding for a development studio and handle marketing, distribution, localization as well as internal quality certifications.

The problem is two-fold:

First in that far more often than not the 'higher-ups' at the Publishers have a vested interest in titles being released by a specified date because they receive a 'ship bonus' for shipping on time. This often has nothing to do with any critical reviews of a title. Additionally, the quality checks performed internally have far more to do with functionality and far less to do with fun. This has started to change a bit so that the bonus scales with a metacritic score but it is far from a 'fixed' system.

The second part is the fault of the consumer. People buy those crap titles up like theres no tomorrow. Most of the big publishers are in it for the money and not to make great games.

But will they monopolize the market forever? Not a chance.

Steam and other methods of digital distribution are an immensely viable marketing direction for indie developers to release titles and receive a far larger share of the profits than they would if they were to have released through a Publisher.

Innovative marketing and distribution models will trump the market. Minecraft, for example, is still in development yet has generated millions in sales already.

But so long as people keep buying "Medal of Duty: Big Black Ops: Episode 74: The Spanish Inquisition" they will keep churning out crap in a box.

This part is more of a comment. The reason Piracy is so bad on the PC is for one reason. PC gamers are smart, and will not pay for beta, or in some cases Alpha, versions of games.
Piracy is an inevitability.

I am of the opinion that it is better to accept that it WILL happen than to make your loyal customers suffer in an effort to stymie a few lost sales.

Fortunately, it seems Publishers are catching on to this... slowly, but surely. Eventually, such anti-consumer actions will come 'round to bite them in the ***.

I'd like to see a AAA titles try the 'pay what you want' model as many musicians have done for their content (NIN, Radiohead, etc) with great success.

Moreover, I find the idea of requiring any internet connection or verification for what should be offline play repugnant.

One point that is important to make is that within a Publisher such as EA or Activision, the development studios act almost entirely independent of one another. While one development team for a particular title may burn the midnight oil to tighten up those graphics on level 3 another might not give a ****. It has a great deal to do with leadership on a team and, sadly, quality leadership is often lacking (not just in the games industry).

In summary, you've identified a systemic problem with any large growth industry. The heavy-hitters of the games industry has become fat and lazy in many places while indie developers run circles around them.

Eventually those indie developers will either run out of steam (pun intended) and die off or become fat and lazy themselves.

It's the circle of liiiife.


Audioholic Chief
One thing I, and many others I play with, would like to see is better packet time management for FPS games. Nothing upsets players more than an unfair "host advantage" so maybe there is a way to equalize this to some degree. This doesn't have to be automatic, though that would be nice, but even adding in a delay time to the display before the game starts so we can avoid bad hosts.

The return on this is people would play the game longer, get more DLC and likely buy the next release. I know a number of friends have already sold or traded in their last FPS they just bought for the 360 due to the reason above.


Audioholic Ninja
Any particular JRPG you're looking for? Or any particular studio you want more from?
Tales of Vesperia PS3
Tales of Xillia
Tales of Rebirth PSP
Tales of Destiny 2 Director's Cut
Tales of Hearts



Audioholic Intern
Tales of Vesperia PS3
Tales of Xillia
Tales of Rebirth PSP
Tales of Destiny 2 Director's Cut
Tales of Hearts

Oh, is that all? :rolleyes:

I'm not personally familiar with those titles but your best bet is to just send an email or post on their forum expressing your interest.

Believe it or not, that level of community feedback goes a very long way.
Hi Ho

Hi Ho

Audioholic Samurai
I would like to know why us PC gamers are being left out in the cold with delayed release dates and subpar console ports that don't come close to tapping the power of a modern PC.

I mainly play FPS games and they were never meant to be on consoles! I have an Xbox but I just can't get a handle on the joystick control for FPS games. It seems like most games released in the past couple years have been buggy console ports and the consoles get all of the extras first. It is very frustrating.

Even Crysis 2, with the original being a premeir PC title that really took advantage of hardware and pushed it to the limits with great gameplay to boot, looks like it will be dumbed down in comparison. They released a demo... on the Xbox. It looks really good for an Xbox game but not as good as the original 2007 game!

Call me bitter but I like my games and I like playing them the way I want to (on a PC) but the big execs obviously don't care because there aren't enough of us. :(


Senior Audioholic
I would like to see some remakes of some RPG classics (not just a port, but new graphics from the bottom up and music re-recorded). Such titles as:

-Final Fantasy III (FF6 in Japan), FFVII, FFX -
-Crono Trigger
-Breath of Fire Series
-A zelda collection of NES and SNES games

Just to name a few.

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