I am going to give Obama a chance, it's only been 8 months after all and I will vote for someone else next time if I feel they are a better choice.
From admittedly the small amount of research I just did about Van Jones. I found this:
Yes he declared himself a Communist

decades ago

But... By the late 1990s, Jones began promoting capitalism as he transformed into an environmentally friendly capitalist. He emerged as one of the foremost champions of green business, entrepreneurship and market-based solutions. In his 2008 best seller The Green Collar Economy, Jones contended that invention and investment will take us out of a pollution-based grey economy and into a healthy new green economy.
I guess conservatives believe people simply can not change, EVER.
Once a commie always a commie
Once a sinner always a sinner
Now I do not have the time to search out the past history of every single conservative that was part of the last administration, but I am willing to bet there were more than a few that made similarly poor choices in their past.