Another Power Grab by the Feds.



Senior Audioholic
Now what are you going to do about the current guy? He swore to uphold and protect our constitution from enemies both foreign and domestic. How do you square that with him hiring self-admitted communists like Van Jones? Please answer that one question.
I am going to give Obama a chance, it's only been 8 months after all and I will vote for someone else next time if I feel they are a better choice.

From admittedly the small amount of research I just did about Van Jones. I found this:

Yes he declared himself a Communist:eek: decades ago:rolleyes:.

But... By the late 1990s, Jones began promoting capitalism as he transformed into an environmentally friendly capitalist. He emerged as one of the foremost champions of green business, entrepreneurship and market-based solutions. In his 2008 best seller The Green Collar Economy, Jones contended that invention and investment will take us out of a pollution-based grey economy and into a healthy new green economy.

I guess conservatives believe people simply can not change, EVER.:mad:
Once a commie always a commie:rolleyes:
Once a sinner always a sinner:confused:

Now I do not have the time to search out the past history of every single conservative that was part of the last administration, but I am willing to bet there were more than a few that made similarly poor choices in their past.


Senior Audioholic
zYes he declared himself a Communist:eek: decades ago:rolleyes:.

But... By the late 1990s, Jones began promoting capitalism as he transformed into an environmentally friendly capitalist. He emerged as one of the foremost champions of green business, entrepreneurship and market-based solutions. In his 2008 best seller The Green Collar Economy, Jones contended that invention and investment will take us out of a pollution-based grey economy and into a healthy new green economy.

I guess conservatives believe people simply can not change, EVER.:mad:
Once a commie always a commie:rolleyes:
Once a sinner always a sinner:confused:

Now I do not have the time to search out the past history of every single conservative that was part of the last administration, but I am willing to bet there were more than a few that made similarly poor choices in their past.
would you let an admitted child molester baby sit your children if he had began to show signs that he no longer is into that sort of thing?

I thought not.......

Yeah once a commie bastard always a commie bastard.;)

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Senior Audioholic
Yes let's create a show where we yell at the person we don't agree with. :)

I have an idea for a show you'd love. I'll just get a conservative on and then get a liberal on and I'll cuss his *** out. You'd love that for sure. Then I'll write a book sell it to you.

In reality look where the conservatives(republicans aren't really that) have gotten us. I think a return to the 90s system might be a good thing for the economy. Jacking up taxes on the 1 million earners club I think will help pay for all the republican spending the last few years.

But would we have to raise taxes if Bush had been a true conservative. The republicans had their chance with me and they blew it. Sorry but unless they get back to being real conservatives I have no interest.

Did anyone here know that we had a balanced budget in 2000? What bush did was wipe it out with a bad tax cut. We could have helped ourselves with that surplus, by taking down the national debt. Instead we squandered it on unnecessary tax cuts.

Think of it this way if you reduce debt you reduce interest payments. Thereby increasing the surplus. If you keep this up you might actually put yourself in a very good position. Instead we have big spenders on both sides of the isle driving this country further into the ground financially.
Let me guess your favorite cable news programs films people carry guns and makes them out to be white supremacist, even though the gun wielding people are racially mixed.

Hahahahahahah.......I just love Beck and O,Reilly
They piss off the liberals with facts......when the libs cant respond intelligently they resort to name calling (right wingers, militia, white sepremist, etc) and bashing the previous administration. Sound should.;)
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Audioholic Ninja
I am going to give Obama a chance, it's only been 8 months after all and I will vote for someone else next time if I feel they are a better choice.

From admittedly the small amount of research I just did about Van Jones. I found this:

Yes he declared himself a Communist:eek: decades ago:rolleyes:.

But... By the late 1990s, Jones began promoting capitalism as he transformed into an environmentally friendly capitalist. He emerged as one of the foremost champions of green business, entrepreneurship and market-based solutions. In his 2008 best seller The Green Collar Economy, Jones contended that invention and investment will take us out of a pollution-based grey economy and into a healthy new green economy.

I guess conservatives believe people simply can not change, EVER.:mad:
Once a commie always a commie:rolleyes:
Once a sinner always a sinner:confused:

Now I do not have the time to search out the past history of every single conservative that was part of the last administration, but I am willing to bet there were more than a few that made similarly poor choices in their past.
AFAIK he stated publicly as late as 2005 that he was an avowed communist (and I believe in his own book). I'll try to find links there for you.

But he is just the tip of the iceberg, 10010011. How do you square Jeff Jones (Weather Underground Founder) helping to write the Stimulus Bill (in his board of directors role at the Apollo foundation? Or Obama's ("oh I forgot") association with William Ayers, Jeff Jones's Weather Underground co-founder? Or Obama's Health Czar, Ezekial Emanual who advocates rationed healthcare for the "less productive" in our society? Or Obama's FCC Diversity Czar, Mark Lloyd, who praises the Chavez takeover in Venezuela and Chavez's handling/takeover of the media there (not to mention trying to undermine the First Amendment with his "bias control powers")? How about Obama's Regulation Czar, Cass Sunstein who also favors quality adjusted life years...but believes firmly in the PETA advocacy that animals should have as many rights as people...e.g. that a dog can have its own lawyer in a courtroom...or Sunstein's recent comment that our Bill of Rights needs to be replaced by FDR's proposed New Bill of Rights? Need I keep going? Can you explain how Obama sat in the good Reverend Wright's church for 20 years and never heard his black nationalist, anti-American rhetoric?

And as I said in another you even know or care just WHO wrote these huge bills/proposals...Cap and Trade, Stimulus, Healthcare? Do you care? Have you wondered why our congressional representatives don't read or understand them? (Have you seen the famous Charlie Wrangle video? DUH!) How does a 1400 page document about economic stimulus or like-sized proposal for revamping our nation's healthcare suddenly appear on Senators and Congressmen's desks? Research who is writing those and come back with your "give 'em a chance, it has only been 8 months (of multi-trillion dollar spending) since he took office".

This can go on forever. You can be an apologist for this administration if you like...especially if you can explain the above people that Obama has chosen to surround himself with. Or you can continue complaining about the long gone loser administration of GWB. Any difference you see between these two presidents is partisan smoke. They're both into their own agendas and paying off their political debts to those who funded their election campaigns. They're nothing but opposite sides of the same coin.

The sooner you and everyone else realizes that we are basically run by an oligarchy...a group of elitists that have their own interests at heart and NOT those of the electorate, the better off we'll be. Look at the Town Hall meetings. They weren't run to take the pulse of the electorate. They were run to SELL the healthcare proposals.

Lastly, I beg you to find out WHY the POTUS wants a Federal Militia...equal in size, strength, funding, and power of the U.S. military. How is he going to use them? On whom? Who is the enemy that requires this militia to be formed...and paid for with more trillions of dollars?
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Audioholic Ninja
From admittedly the small amount of research I just did about Van Jones. I found this:

Yes he declared himself a Communist:eek: decades ago:rolleyes:.

But... By the late 1990s, Jones began promoting capitalism as he transformed into an environmentally friendly capitalist. He emerged as one of the foremost champions of green business, entrepreneurship and market-based solutions. In his 2008 best seller The Green Collar Economy, Jones contended that invention and investment will take us out of a pollution-based grey economy and into a healthy new green economy.

I guess conservatives believe people simply can not change, EVER.:mad:
Once a commie always a commie:rolleyes:
Once a sinner always a sinner:confused:

Now I do not have the time to search out the past history of every single conservative that was part of the last administration, but I am willing to bet there were more than a few that made similarly poor choices in their past.
Here is one link for you from the Canada Free Press. There are other links...I'd like to find his book.

Note that he was involved with both the ultra-radical STORM movement and the Ella Baker Center after 2001...both of which he helped found.

But again, this guy is just one little (but nasty) molehill of many. The mountain is growing.

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