Good information..
Few of the newer carts that I use need loading. I run a Silversmith Carman II MI. SME II, III, IV, 9 and 12" Arms. Ortofon Black and Bronze are good MM carts. I use them on Jelco 750 and SME I and IIs with non mag platters.
I can't use a Sure V15 XX on my magnetic platters like a Thoren TD124 I, I have to do a modification and raise the tonearm if I use a semi-fix. Series II or Russcos aren't magnetic.
I picked up my VTAs for around 175-200.00 each.. Usually that fixes most SQ issues
I haven't loaded a MM or MI cart for 10 years, I've had a few re-tipped. I keep a close eye on any RCA or XLR hooked to any part of a TT setup. The RCA cable from the tone arm can ruin a great sounding system. Low output carts even more so.
I have a 3020 Thoren that is converted to XLR/48 that was a big improvement as far as colorless cables. Very neutral, dead quiet and good pro cables work just fine. Length isn't so critical either. Under 10 meters I think.. LOL Pretty long..
I use a variant of the V15 II on most of my Russcos with Woodie Arms. Both were made 50 miles from me in Elk Grove for over 40+ years. I usually keep a cool dozen or so around for builds.. Russco, Sparta, or QRK. They have gear shifters, I love um.. I add 4lb of silicone dampening to the platters. 21 pounds total.
All that to say you need a good cable.
and if TT are your thing get a great preamp. I started with Mac and EAR 50+ years ago. Herron and Decware are great values for the money if you want to step up. You can use a RtR with the Decware, it's set up if you order it that way.. Nuggets..
The wife is spinning 78 monos as I type. I'm using a modded Puffin that works very well for that application.
Time to fix the chicken coop.