None of this is a bash against Ann Coulter or any other public figure, just statements of fact.
Coulter is an undergraduate at Cornell University, Coulter helped found The Cornell Review. She graduated c um laude from Cornell in 1984 with a B.A. in history, and received her J.D. from the University of Michigan Law School, where she achieved membership in the Order of the Coif and was an editor of the Michigan Law Review.
For posterity, Boston U and Notre Dame and Columbia and George Mason and Harvard are all not member schools of the Order of the Coif and are all considered more prestigious law schools that consistently rank higher than her alma mater. Not that it matters, but it proves nothing. It's a list of credentials, it says nothing about the person themselves.
In short, just because you go to an Ivy League school doesn't make you smart.
I reckon, just because someone went to school PERIOD doesn't make them intelligent or reasonable or logical or rational.
It's a bit off topic, but you're absolutely right. The level of one's education is not a reliable indicator of intelligence or knowledge. I know plenty of smart people who never went to college. I also know people with university degrees who are clueless.
Concur. If anything, I've met more reasonable and intelligent people without college educations, simply because they subconsciously force some idea on people that makes them more narrowminded to the world surrounding them. Too many people's scope of vision is limited to the view outside of their front door.
Yeah I don't get that either why U of Ottaawa booked her knowing her background. That wasn't well thought out for sure. So media manipulation on her part for more notiriety?
Would Hitler have agreed to speak in Jerusalem? Would Bin Laden hold a public forum in New York City? I'm not comparing her to either, just the idea that someone against the way of life of a people agreeing to hold public events in their homeland. She's a very outspoken critic of social services, yet she agrees to appear publically at a college in a country with universal healthcare? Opportunism in any sense is still exactly that. I wouldn't speak at a church to advocate pro-choice legislature, I wouldn't speak in favor of gun control at an NRA rally, and I wouldn't support EEO and immigrant rights at a KKK rally.
Ivy leaguer education doesn't make you smarter.

Just prooves you have money
Concur. Collegiate degrees, like everything we value here, are bought and sold every daily.
The greatest person I know, as far as work ethic and integrity and compassion for the world beyond her front door and open-mindedness goes, is a 27 year old single mother with two kids and no college education making barely enough money to get by. And I'd die for her.
The biggest $%#&% I personally know, in his treatment of people and family members and total disregard for the worth of other people and narrowmindedness, has two engineering PhDs (Oxford and MIT) and runs an R&D lab for one of the largest electronics manufacturers in the world.
So I guess it depends on how you judge the goodness of a person. I wouldn't call Ann Coulter stupid. I also won't call someone smart solely based on a resume.