An interesting read



Speaker of the House
Staff member
Some weird choices in there. SVS should buy Denon/Marantz? Firstly, SVS is unlikely to afford Denon/Marantz, and second, SVS is not an independant company. It's owned by another company. Sandy Gross and Matthew Polk buying back Polk Audio and Definitive Technology? I really hope not. Deftech's best speakers came out after Gross left, and Polk's best speakers have been in the last few generations. I would hate for them to give up on actual modern loudspeaker design for some old guys who may well be stuck in the past. On the other hand, I would love for someone to buy B&W just so they could inject some modern loudspeaker science into their engineering.

As for who should buy Sound United's brands, I couldn't say. Home audio isn't exactly a booming market. The shame of it is that there is some really good engineering in their brands. I am still blown away by just how good the Polk Reserve R700s are. My guess is what will happen is they will eventually fall into the clutches of some vulture capitalists who will squeeze them dry and then murder them for insurance money.


Audioholic Jedi
So the spinoff Kiani proposed didn't work out?


Audioholic Ninja
Fingers crossed for B&W going back to originator.

I wonder why the shareholder revolt. I would think they would have had to sign off on the buy.


Audioholic Jedi
Fingers crossed for B&W going back to originator.

I wonder why the shareholder revolt. I would think they would have had to sign off on the buy.
From what I remember seeing it's the low profit margins for Sound United generally compared to what they're used to with the medical eqpt.

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