Interesting, I do indeed have the jumper straps but from what I've heard from other owners of the 2.5is, bi-wiring is the way to go with these (or bi-amping if possible - which I will not be doing yet). I will probably try hooking them up with the jumper straps also to see how its sounds, but I feel like I will probably end up bi-wiring them.
The speakers have an internal crossover - I don't see the benefit of biwiring - the drivers are connected through the crossover regardless.
TO prove you that connect only a the bottom RCA (no jumper) and all the drivers will sing (the tweeter will get less power but still). I don't buy this biamping at all.
You're better off with one powerfull amplifier and using the jumper.
Let's say you play classical and organ comes in... IF you use 2 amps 150W each the one driving the lower freq drivers may run out of juice (conceivable). The amp powering the tweeter is limited in helping the bass due to the crossover slope.
If you use 1 amp 250W and the mid/tweeter during the organ pasage don't suck much energy the rest is used by low freq drivers (power "shifts" on demand instead of arbitrarily being limited 50%-50%)...
My 2c.