If you're looking for a real-world example, consider the way an echo functions. When you shout in a canyon or an empty hall, the sound reflects off surrounding surfaces, creating the illusion that it’s coming from multiple directions, even though the source is simply your voice. Sound projectors operate on a similar principle, utilizing sound reflections to make it appear as though the audio is emanating from all around you, rather than from a single source in front. Sticking with the echo example, If a third party were positioned elsewhere, they wouldn't be able to localize the origin of the sound; they would perceive it as coming from multiple directions. What’s more, these sound projectors, such as the Ambeo, can direct the audio with precision, simulating configurations like a 5.0 surround system. I’m afraid invoking neuroscience won’t absolve your position here, and I suspect this is where the conversation will end. It’s unfortunate how some individuals approach these forums as if they possess absolute authority, completely closed off to learning something new or even considering the possibility that they don’t have all the answers.