<font color='#000000'>Audibility of different cables depends on how the particular cable metrics impact the equipment being interfaced, and the sensitivity of the listeners hearing.
For example, high capacitance cables can cause one of two things:
1) Frequency peaking (can cause brightness)
2) Amplifier instability (can cause amplifier to shut off, oscillate, mitigate noise, all of which may actually not be audible, except for shutting off of course)
There is also the rare case when an amplifier with a high output impedance such as a tube amp, where premature roll off becomes eminent causing a warming or dulling of sound.
Our objectives in the Cable face offs is not to subjectively tell you how the cables sound with our equipment, but to illustrate how they measure and may impact the end user based on the parameters listed above.
Somewhere down the road, we may conduct DBT cable testing with a panel of listeners if the demand for doing so is high enough.</font>