here in the Long beach area
We have thousands of producing wells all over SoCal even in the middle of Beverly Hills on a school campus. we have the petroleum docks in the ports. When the air movement, humidity and temperature are just right, you can easily smell a funky odor from the oil.
SoCal is riddled with thousands of miles of pipelines that run from storage farms to refineries to depots carrying all levels of crude, refined oils and even gasoline. It is not too uncommon for the air in a given area to be permeated with the smell.
In one section of town a few year ago we had fumesand fire erupting from gutters, manholes, curbs, light pole stanchions in the middle of parking lots etc as the flammable fumes had permeated the ground for an area of about 10 city blocks. To this day you can still detect the odor in some areas.
I can imagine what the coast dwellers will be dealing with shortly and with summer heat, oh joy.