Rocky, I went with the STF-3 from EFL back in September and couldn't be happier. I was able to bring it home for $740 all in which I was pleased with. You should be able to do the same.
It is quite large but probably the best option for your budget up here in Canada. Good luck and let us know how it goes. Word of caution. The HSU retailers (at least in the GTA) have horrible listening setups. It is a shame that these retailers don't spend more time and energy on providing a good listeninig enviroment for auditioning. I didn't find auditions very helpful at all. But it sounds great in my room, so I'm happy.
Any Canadians able to get a port plug for their STF-3? I'm having a hard time getting one and HSU in the States won't ship it here. Tried the retailer and distributer up here and no luck. I figure it would be $5-$10 well spent.