Heres my dilema. Im getting a new subwoofer for sure, thats not a question, and i have about 650-700 Canadian to spend on it. I was thinking about getting the SVS PB10-ISD, which will come to about 630-650 CAD, maybe more. So, my dilema is this... Stick it out and put out the money for the SVS, or stick to some canadian brand. Ive got a local dealer who carries almost every single canadian brand of speaker, and a lot of american brands as well. Would i be better off getting a sub directly from him (im going to be buying a center and surrounds from him as well) because i will be able to get somewhat of a discount. 20% -30% to be exact. If you would recomend getting a sub from him, what should I go with, I dont really have too much expierience with canadian subs (im only a senior remember) and wouldnt really know what to go with. I really want something that will do 20Hz like the SVS. Any recomendations. By the time i get my sub I will have all of the new speakers in my signature