Be very careful with any malware, grayware or spyware! -- Especially those that purport to have discovered a virus problem and suggest you install or worse buy them to fix the problem they found.
Hopefully, you have a highend Anitvirus Software installed with
current/up-to-date Virus and Malware signatures. Some good comercail software poducts are : Symantec's ( Norton), Trend Micro, and McAfee.
There are also two excellent FREE products.
SpyBot Search & Destroy ( be very careful there are a lot of know-off wanabes, that are not near as good and what to charge you $$$)
Here is one place to download it from :
Lavasoft- AD-AWARE ( the FREE version is very good, don't pay $$$)
Be careful they make a hard sales pitch to buy the $$$ version,
Keep following the FREE path.
Run these at least once a month or sooner if your PC slows down or starts acting strange ( highly technical term

But the key thing to remember is to "RUN" software the PC will always ask your permsssion. If you did not initiaite the install then cancel because that means some virus, Trojan, worm, BOT, spyway, gray ware, malware, or other malicious code is trying to "run" or "install"the software on your behalf with your credentials.
Peace and PC Security -- and don't forget Good Sound

Forest Man