Well congrats on one of each model!
Girls can be just as bad as boys, except for they express themselves at higher frequencies in the hearing spectrum. You will suffer accordingly.
The toys from both models each hurt when you step on them in the dark be it Lego blocks or Barbie Tiaras. And those freaking motion-sensing dolls will really freak you out when they activate as you walk through the family room on the way to the kitchen at 2 a.m.!! Those things suck! No going back to sleep after that heart attack!
Seriously, it's all good. Mom only had boys. So with my first girl, the most surprising event was my step-dad. There was the guy that taught me to hunt, fish, and gut a deer. There was my little girl handing him a doll and it's clothes so he could dress the doll for her. 4 minutes later, the doll is naked again and big, tough grandpa is dressing the doll again.
At least you will have some balance with one of each model. I know WAY too much about each Disney princess.