Advice on Velodyne DPS Subwoofer


Von Soundcard

I want to buy a sub and I understand that in HiFi Velodyne have the best quality/price ratio. I sure hope so because I won't be able to hear mine before it crosses an Ocean and half a continent. That's why I ask you:

I am considering the DPS series, either the 10" or 12" and would like your opinions and experiences on these models. I primarily want a good musical sub, with detail and clarity - this is important for me.

If you know of models from other producers that are better than the DPS series but COST NO MORE than them (550$ max.), I would appreciate these suggestions too. Do you think the HSU STF-2 or VTF-2 MK 2 (both 10") are better at music than the DPS-10 and DPS-12 ?

P.S. I am asking about new subs, not second hand here.

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i would also recommend outlaw LMF-1 . they are 12". i just ordered mine yeterday after doin research on it. to me it seemed like a good buy. the price is 578 plus shipping comes to 600. if you move ur max to 50 dollars more its a great value.


Junior Audioholic
Look To The British

Take a close look at REL. They have unique features and subs are their main product line.

Von Soundcard

Thank you for your numerous and in depth replies.


Full Audioholic
Also check out the Rocket UFW-10, this is a sealed sub and a lot of people have praised its ability to sound well controlled. It's just $600 (which I know breaks your price limit, but you should seriously consider it). It has parametric room correction which is a feature that can really pay for itself quickly. The problem with a lot of subs is that they measure fine in the lab, but once you get it into your home, the environment causes big peaks in the bass which make it sound boomy. With the EQ, you can get this sub to work well in difficult situations.

Von Soundcard

The Outlaw and the Rocket are probably excellent subs, but at 600 $ + I'd have to start looking for things to sell around the house. I will tell my friend to look for one second hand, but a cheap and still new unit will be almost impossible to find. So we're back to Post #1, which was:

- is the Velodyne DPS 10/12 a good musical sub ?

- is the HSU VTF-2 MK 2 a better musical sub than the DPS ?

In case anyone wondered, the sub will used together with a pair of B&W 602 S3 fronts.
That's it, really.

Von Soundcard

Either Velodyne does nor really manufacture subwoofers, but rather is a cover for occult groups seeking world domination, or their subwoofers are so good that nobody feels the need to post about them. I hope it's the second guess.


Audioholics Master Chief
is the Velodyne DPS 10/12 a good musical sub ?
We have a review of the DPS-10 coming out shortly. Its really not a musical sub as much as its for high impact wow effect for home theater. If your looking solely for 2CH audiophile sound, we found that there are more suitable options in this price range such as the Rocket sub mentioned here.

Von Soundcard

Thanks for the info, however I cannot wait for the review as I have go give the order latest by end of next week. The price range is really up to 500 $. So if the DPS 10 is more for movies than music (even with the "Music" mode selected ?), I'd like some suggestions for other subs, no more than 500 $ new.

I was thinking of HSU until I noticed they have a frequency range up to 90 Hz (although this spec is unclear and different from what most other manufacturers use - Crossover Frequency Range ?, +/- 1dB ?), so much bass content would be left hanging between two speakers.

I am also thinking about the next smaller sub from Rocket - the Rocket ULW-10 Subwoofer, with the disadvantages that it has just one line level input and no manual EQ. Do you know anything about it ?

Also what about the Klipsch 10" subs (the Reference or Synergy series) ?

I know it's hard to get good equipment with small money, however it's better than getting bad equipment with big money. :)


Full Audioholic
Go with the Rocket. You'll be glad you did. Velodyne's subs for the money aren't very impressive compared to many others out there. Consider buying used from under subwoofers or Ebay. The Rocket would probably be your best bet. I've heard low end Velodynes and was not impressed. They are over rated imo. Good Luck

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