Advice on speaker choice in ~600 range? Narrowing it down



Audioholic Ninja
Thanks a lot for the reply. It's very helpful. I suppose the wharfedales sound the most promising at this point and the looks really appeal to me. Unless something sways my opinion I'm leaning heavily towards ordering a set if they're still available next week. I almost ordered some a few weeks ago actually until I heard about tekton and fell into the black hole of research.. Sigh..

I own tektons, and I can tell you they are good for what they are good for, low power, plain but trendy, conversation pieces. I like them where I have mine, they work, but for the money I could get a better sound. Its a delicate balance, you want aesthetics and good construction, but you NEED a sound that also appeals to you and makes you feel like it was money well spent, you don't want to have someone coma and hear your system only to reply "it sounds like the radio in my car", there is a reason this gear is special and it is because there is a difference...

good luck, I am sure the speakers will be available, I spend a lot there and can call and ask them to hold a set if need be, but I am confident they will be there...


Audioholic Overlord
The general feel and design approach I see from the Tektons is that they are kind of like oldschool Klipsch in their target audience. They'll probably achieve a higher dynamic range than your other options, which vinyl typically has high dynamic range which is why so many folks out their use high efficiency speakers paired with tube amplifiers for vinyl playback. If vinyl is the primary function I would think the Tektons would do well in that pairing.

Just so it's understood I've never even heard of the brand until today when I started to read this thread, but based on what I've read and see on paper they might well be what you're after. They probably will be far from analytical, they aren't the prettiest, they won't offer the highest fidelity for your dollar, but I think you'll probably have fun listening to them, especially at high output.


Yeah, the tektons and Denton's both sound appealing because I don't really want something super accurate and analytical like my powered monitors are, they will really let you know when the recording or pressing isn't up to par and its usually not enjoyable when that happens. Great for some situations but not a vinyl collection with many less than perfect records.I have advent loudspeakers now for vinyl but they are too veiled and lack dynamics, plus after owning them so long I need a change for the better.


Elac F5 are looking pretty good with amazon saying they'll ship on the 19th. Now I'm considering these and the wharfedale dentons. I'd like to hear more about the F5 but I have a feeling they'll be good and maybe I should get in on the preorder in case supply dries up for a while after reviews are out.

edit: I could even get the elac bookshelves with the smaller elac subwoofer for the same price as the towers, I wonder if that would be a better option...hmm...
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