You are correct, it is not written in python its written in delphi, though I did say that I thought it may be written in python, not that I was sure. A bit of a rude comment, as I was simply sharing my experience, not pushing snake oil. The software works great for me, and yes it cost me $15 per device to use it but it works in streaming .flac files where Plex more often than not doesn't, at least in my experience.
Sure the Plex gui looks great, but when I open the Network input on my Denon the folders are presented in the same fashion and look identical with both programs as I am using Denon's on-screen display. The difference is when I click on a flac file one works and the other doesn't. Perhaps its a simple xml configuration change that needs to be made on Plex I don't know, but my point is out of the box one works and the other doesn't as it relates solely to streaming flac files. That is the only comparison I was trying to make and I'm sorry if I offended you.
Simply trying to offer my experience.