adcom,rotel,emotiva or outlaw!!!!



Senior Audioholic
My system consists of Monitor Audio S6 speakers for the fronts, S2 for the center and SFX for the rears. I want to upgrade my old Onkyo TXSR700 receiver for either the new Adcom receiver or pre/pro and amplifier or one of the other manufacturers I listed pre/pro and amplifiers. Can anyone give any suggestions. For 2 channel music I have the S6 run by a Musical Fidelity 3.2cr integrated amp which I love. Are any of these brands in the same league as the Musical Fidelity? Appreciate any suggestions. Thanks.

Monitor Audio S6, S2, and SFX
Musical Fidelity 3.2CR integrated amp
Adcom GCD-750 cd player
Samsung 42in HDTV plasma
Audioquest speaker and interconnect cables
Monster Power line conditioner


Audioholic Ninja
Years ago before I upgraded my 2.0 system I started with ADCOM and I loved all my stuff, Sound Advice (now Tweeters) bought it all back when I replaced it all with Krell stuff (so you can imagine their mark up). I still like ADCOM they're well built really good quality stuff, mine never gave me any problems.


Audioholic Spartan
I have an Adcom 7605 I purchased in '03(I think). It has been driving a 5.1 4ohm system the whole time. It is a fine piece of equipment. It's not in the Musical Fidelity league, but it is high quality. I use a Yamaha 1400 as a pre-pro. I would choose Adcom over the other three brands you listed.


Senior Audioholic
have any of you heard the Adcom receiver? They have a trade in program. I called them up and they would give me 500$ for my used Onkyo (5 years old) and that would bring their receiver's price down to 1300$. I know for that money you can also get a Pioneer Elite. What do you guys suggest. The onkyo sounds really strained at the listening levels I use and I am afraid it will hurt my speakers.


Adcom too

I too still have several pieces of Adcom equipment > 15 years. Still works fine, will end up with my kids as part of their first real stereo system. High quality stuff!
JoeE SP9

JoeE SP9

Senior Audioholic
I own some Adcom gear. It has worked flawlessly, some of it for more than 15 years. I can't say that about the other manufacturers. If you purchase any Adcom gear and don't like it it is very easy to sell on the used market. If you buy used Adcom you can use it and sell it later for just about what you payed.:D


Full Audioholic
I have an Adcom GFA-5200 and one of the channels is fried. I am willing to bet that the reason it is fried has to do with the person that gave it to me. He is obsessed with tons of bass so I can only imagine what kind of low impedance subwoofers he probably connected to it and I am willing to bet he didn't worry one bit about ventilation either.

I have heard that amp play before and for it's rated 50Watts per channel it is quite powerful.


Junior Audioholic
old Adcom was good. you don't hear that much about them anymore. not sure if the sound quality has changed

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