I've had the great privilege of meeting, playing for, playing with, studying with, a fair share of the world's great classical guitarists. I have to admit the world of CG is very, very tiny, and everyone knows everyone, and if you really wanted to meet one of them, it's not that hard to do.
I was supposed to study with this guy. I stayed at his place when I first played for him, to see if he would take me on a student. The hospitality is on a whole nuther level over there in southern Italy. His brother, who happens to be an amazing cook and pianist, slept on the freekin couch so that I could sleep in his bed. So, before returning to live in Italy, I had to wait some time before he could finish up one of his world tours, and so I took the time to meet (and play Bach) for my second choice of instructor, a Frenchman (who doesn't appear to have any youtubes), outside of Barcelona. Welp, that guy stole me as a student, and I ended up living in France for two years, along with my Italian dictionary. I felt kind of bad, but it was cool, and I ended up seeing Aniello again several years later in Germany, drinking till dawn . . .
One of the pieces I performed for him was the following, here performed by the composer himself, who I had the fortune of meeting and speaking with at a festival in Florence.
Upon arriving in France, I stayed with an insane old lady for a few weeks, until most fortunately this fellow and I became roommates. He became my best friend from Europe. During my stay, he won his first two international competitions, and shortly after I left, he won a third, of much greater significance. He was also eyewitness/innocent bystander of my insane consumption of booze with Aniello . . .
I received my Master's degree under this man's tutelage:
I don't have any you tubes, and if I did, I wouldn't share them anyways.

I haven't played anymore since at least a few years, but I am now playing violin again, in string quartet. We picked up a Stravinsky work that's kickin my ***, so I should get on it . . . I'm hoping to revisit Europe in June for the first time in 7 years, and I've been invited to stay with Remi, and perhaps we can work on some violin/guitar duo's; I have Piazzolla in mind.