Most of the On-Demand movies thus far already prevalent have been rife with a pitiful selection, at least in my market area. I've used it once or twice because they do offer some of the newer releases (Bourne Ultimatum and the new Die Hard flick - thumbs up).
I've heard that they were going to open up the on-demand venture for regular network programming, so I've been waiting to see the results. Looks like ABC is off to a good start with 'Lost' - both my wife and I are rabid fans, but at this point, we aleady own the first three seasons on DVD and are recording the ongoing 4th season directly on DVR.
All told, I think the On-Demand market is going to fare well with some, and not so much with others. It took me a long time to get over the habit of buying physical CD's, and went to downloading albums right off the internet, and the only thing I have to show for the purchase are a bunch of 1's and 0's. Alas, it's the new age coming though, and more and more people want convenience, instant gratification, and some network or cable company officials telling them what they want to watch.