Aargh...STB dies in middle of show



Full Audioholic
Hi all,
Wife and I were watching "Fringe" last night...recorded on our Scientific Explorer 8300HD DVR...and right in the middle of the show the picture goes black and the stb shows a ER-01 error message over and over. Aargh ! I unplug the stb and try to reboot several times to no avail...ER-01 over and over.
I call Comcast and they say "ooh that is the death message you are screwed"...paraphrasing hehehe.

My wife is fuming because she has lost 6 episodes of Medium and Lost, her favorite shows. I tell her I warned her to watch them "in case"...probably ought not to have mentioned that lol as she "side eyes" me with dagger looks...glad I leave for work in an hour hehehe.

Two options: One return the stb tomorrow for another or we can send a tech over on "Sunday"...Sunday I says NO WAY ! I head over to my local branch today at 9AM...after working the overnight shift, woohoo what fun...A very nice lady gives me a brand new 8300HD"C" which has the higher hdmi, 1.1 to 1.3, and will accept a sata external hard drive to increase storage space...very cool though I don't have an external sata hdd...YET lol...

Bring home the new stb and have it connected in a minute or two. Spend the next 30 minutes setting it up and re-entering all my "favorite" channels. All is well except it won't initialize some of the HD channels...HGTV and a few others, hmmm odd. I call Comcast and after trying to reboot it on their end am told it seems to be a signal problem at the line and they will send a tech over on Monday. Again I say NO WAY ! The woman connects me to her supervisor who tells me they will send a tech over tomorrow between noon and 5pm...much better.

Ah well...a lesson to be learned...don't let the shows, movies accumulate because you never know when a catastrophic failure may occur and really screw the pooch.

LOL just a mild rant but I did get a newer stb and upgrades are always cool.


Audioholic Spartan
I agree, those 8300 boxes are garbage. I wonder if I have the newer version, I'll have to check when I get home. At least you can always get the shows she missed online and watch them on the PC, it's better than waiting for the reruns, or for the shows to be released on DVD.


Audioholic Intern
Sounds like you might be ready for bit-torrent... :)


Full Audioholic
All is well and running properly now. I called Comcast again because it seemed I lost more HD channels than before. The CS tech checks and says he sees the stb just fine and is going to do another reboot. He says sometimes it takes several reboots to get all the programming/data stored on the memory. Reboot works and I now have all my channels, etc. as I should.
I still have the tech coming over tomorrow to look at everything and run a diagnostics...we pay enough so may as well get some extra attention for our hard earned money.

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